Chapter Eight; Choice

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Four days had passed, and Tetra was becoming increasingly uneasy. Her wounds were healing at a good rate now but she knew it would barely be enough to keep them hidden if she decided to go back.

Link never mentioned what he had seen. He probably feared that she would cut him open if he dared to bring it up. That didn't stop him from talking to her, though. Through those four days, he had barely left her quarters during the day. It was like he just wanted to talk.

They never spoke of personal things, but talking came rather easily. This surprised her; she wasn't usually one for polite conversation. But talking with Link was different.

His laugh was nice too.

"So, how come you don't have a parrot?"

"Pirates don't actually have parrots, that's why."

"What? They don't?"


"Why not?"

"They'd just fly away or something."

He frowned and she laughed at his expression. His reaction was like his whole life had been a lie. "Everything I knew about pirates was wrong..." he said, his voice wistful and contemplative.

"Indeed. Though my crew is hardly the standard," she said. "Other crews are more like your stereotype."

"And what makes you so different?"

Tetra bit her lip. "Well...we capture other pirates and turn them in. We steal money from Stingers and give it back to the people. Those taxes aren't used in a way that requires so much to be taken. If I can't change the way a kingdom is run, then I can go outside of the law and still do the right thing."

"Did that just get personal?"

Tetra scowled. "Perhaps."

"So you consider yourself a good guy," he asked.

She blinked; having never thought of it before. Not really. "I suppose so."

"Good guys don't kill in cold blood."

"Who says it was cold blood," she replied, her voice dark.

He remained silent.

"Who says that good guys can't kill?" started. "I killed Lynel for a reason. He deserved to die in a much worse way for what he's done," she spat.

"You seem a little more on edge today."

"On edge?" she said and she chuckled humorlessly. "Of course I'm on edge. It's only two days till we arrive in Farren."

"Why would that make you on edge?"

"I'm sure you've heard it from the rest of the crew."

"That you leave after the summer?"

Tetra nodded.

"Where do you go?"

"It's none of your concern," she replied as she turned her face away from him.

"But I am curious."

"Let's just say it's important, even though I'd rather never go back."

"To what, though?"

"To my other life."

"You really don't like to share..."

Tetra smirked. "You tell me what you're running from, and I'll tell you where I'm going back to."

He was silent for a minute. "You drive a hard bargain."

"I know," she said with a smile.

"So then... Why do you want to help Hyrule?"


"You know, stealing from the rich, helping the poor... Why would you help people you don't even know?"

"Because they're people. A friend of mine once told me that being a pirate didn't mean you had to be a villain. He would help whoever came to him in need. Half of his crew were people he took in," she looked down at her hand and resisted the urge to clench it into a fist. The last thing she needed was for the slice to open again.

"He sounds like a good man."

"... He was."


One day left and Tetra was panicking. Her choice was still unmade. What was she going to do?

"Tetra... You know what I'll say, but-"

"Please, Impa... I don't know what I want."

"And as important as it is for you to be happy, you know what you must do."

Tetra looked down and slowly nodded. "I know... but to give up all of this..."

"You've held out this long to kill that man, correct?"

She nodded.

"And now he is dead. What is there left tying you to this life?"

"The sea. It's always been the sea... Even when I was kidnapped... the sea was always there. I wanted to sail for the rest of my life. And now I'm the captain of this grand ship, Hylia. How could I just... give that up for the horrid life back home?"

"It is not a horrid life."

"It is to me! Learning to give orders, treat people like scum, learning to dance? It's all ash compared to the flame, from pirate captain to-" Tetra shut her mouth and then glared at the door. "LINK!" she yelled.

The door cracked open and he cautiously stuck his head inside. "... Yes?"

"I've told you not to eavesdrop on me."


"Apologies don't cut it. You could have died if I hadn't realized you might be listening."

He gulped as he remembered her telling him she would stick him like a pig if he ever learned about her other life. "Yes, captain. Sorry again, captain."

Tetra turned back to Impa and sighed. "Get Tetra in here."

Impa left and she turned to face Link. Her questions died when she saw his face.

Link avoided her gaze. "I have to tell you something."

She narrowed her eyes. "Spit it out then."

"Back when you agreed to take me to Farren... I said you would get what you were owed. That was... that was before I..."

"Link," she said warningly.

"I thought all pirates were evil."

"Just what is it you're trying to tell me?"

"I lied to you about the gold... When we get to Farren, the Hyrule guard will be waiting to put you all away."

The knife came out of her bed sheets so fast that Link didn't have time to duck away. "You're only telling me this now?" she said, then her anger faded as she jumped from the bed and ran past him. At that point she didn't even care if it was true or not, she couldn't risk her crew's freedom.

She ran to look for Impa and found her with Tetra. "We can't go to Farren," she said breathlessly, holding her side.

"What? Why not?"

"I won't explain, just turn the ship. We go to Karo instead," she snapped as she sagged to the side.

"Captain!" Tetra exclaimed as she looped herself under her arm for support.

"I'm fine. But when we get to Karo, don't stay. Go far away and sell the supplies."

"Yes, captain," Tetra replied.

Tetra looked at the blonde woman, scrutinizing her face, as though searching for an answer before asking her question. "Are you prepared to take my place?"

"I am. Thank you, captain."

The captain smiled. "Make it good," she said and then removed herself from her aid. "Gonzo!" she yelled.

"Captain?" he asked as he appeared.

"When Impa and I leave, you will be the first mate to Tetra."

He dipped his head. "Thank you, much obliged, Captain."

A Pirate's Life For Me; Zelink, Pirate AU (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now