Imagine for teen_problems0330

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Kassidy's POV

Today I was woken up by birds chirping to a wonderful tune, wait nope not the birds but my dad. He woke me up and then just started signing, crazy right. He does have an excuse, my dad is Liam Payne, from One Direction. The band still does some concert here and there but mostly my dad is a dad, husband and a pediatric surgeon at the hospital near by. 

I quickly changed into some gray shorts with a tank top and put my hair in a half up half down hair style.  Today seems like it will be a nice and beautiful day.

"Morning dad, how are you?"

"Kassidy, nice of you to join us for breakfast today."

"I don't have time dad, got to go promised Lizzy that I would meet her before school starts, sorry, love you,  oh....... and say hi to the boys."

Later that day

"Did you hear what John said to Jeffery, like hello what are you trying to do." Yeah today is going to be a nice day. Me and Lizzy had been walking to class when we heard our headmaster over the intercom " All students and teachers report back to your homeroom immediately, we have a code red. I repeat all students and teachers report back to your homeroom immediately,we have a code red, code red, code red."

"Lizzy we have to go, now, lets go." I said pulling her while I was trying to run. Lizzy stopped for a second so I turned around and saw these three men coming in to our school wearing only black and even covering their faces. I was just about to say something to Lizzy when I heard this shot go.

"LIZZY DUCK" I tried, I really tried to duck but nothing was happening I was frozen, right here, right now.

I felt the gun shot going through my body, I was falling and then nothing everything was black.

Liam's POV

I was working at the hospital when I heard that there was a code red at a school. For those who don't know a code red is when there are these people at the school with guns and will most likely have/will shoot people. I am now waiting for the ambulance, my best friends Niall and Harry are there so the patient should be in good care. 

The ambulance has just arrived and I can't believe it it is my little girl, my Kassidy. I knew I had to be professional, and get Kassidy treated immediately. 

 "Niall, get the equipment needed for an x-ray and a CT scan. Harry ..." I said starting to bark orders at everyone, before I was able to say what I wanted Harry to do, I was interrupted.

"Liam, I think it is best if you leave us to do the procedure and you go and call your family. Before you know Kassidy will be back with us playing games and watching movies." Louis said showing the side of him that I love to much.

I walked out of the room, this will be hard, what am I supposed to do. Before I was able to do anything, I saw Louis, Harry and Niall running out of the room with Kassidy. This is not good, ugh, what am I supposed to do......... um ........... I could, nah, I could follow them yeah that sounds good, wait forget that. I guess I should call my parents, that is probably best.

Calling my parents was the worst, they are so worried that they are coming now. 

"Liam, Liam, Liam, LIAM" I jumped out of my seat wondering who was calling my name.

"Hey Liam, Kassidy is out of surgery. She got shot in her stomach, the boys did an amazing job at stitching her up. You can see her now. Don't be to hard on your self, you could have never seen this coming." Niall said.

"Thanks Niall, you always know what to say. Now lets see, our little girl. Shall we."

Kassidy's POV

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

Can that sound stop, it is making my headache even worse, ugh.

I tried to open my easy to see more at this thing. My eyes wasn't opening, so I tried again. I guess second time is a charm, because I was able to open my eyes and see the thing that I love the most. My Dad.

"Hey Kassidy, how are you feeling, just relax, you probably have a huge headache write now but that is fine. The painkillers should kick in soon, now though you will be in the hospital for another few days, so that we can see how your head is and your stomach. You had a severe concussion, so you should be happy that you are still alive." Harry said. Harry is usually the one that will take care of me when I am sick, we have this special bond together.

This will be a long way before I am back to normal.


Word count: 878

Hope you guys liked it, sorry that I haven't published in along time

Keep the requests coming

I will have another imagine up as soon as possible


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