Imagine for

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Alex's POV

I have been a huge fan of 5SOS, they are my life, when I am down they bring me up. Sounds cheesy right, but it is the truth. For the 15 years that I have been on earth, I have had a tough time, from the death of my mom to my abusive dad. This is my story.

A few months ago, my family and I found out that my mom had stage 3 of breast cancer, and that she only had a few weeks left on earth. This was one of the toughest thing for my family, especially for my dad, he did not want to see the person that he loved the most die, before him. During those few weeks I was spending all the time with my mom, making new memories and remembering old both good and bad ones. My mom being the best mom in the world, only a few hours before her death, gave me tickets for a 5SOS meet and greet. I was so exited and must have thanked my mom and said I love her a million times that day. 

That was 4 months ago, since that day my dad started blaming the death of my mom on me. He went regularly to the bar where he would drink, drink, drink and drink. Then he comes home and starts hitting me and not giving me any money or having any food in the fridge. Everyday he says that it was my fault and I am starting to belive him maybe it is. Everyday I am just counting the days till I will be able to see 5SOS. The only problem is how will I get to New York City from my hometown in the middle of the winter. I have been starting to create a plan on how I want to get to the city, without my dad catching me and getting even more mad at me. I just can't let that happen I have to get out of here. 

It is officially the day before the concert, I can't wait. I just hope that everything goes to plan. 

"Alex, I want you to go and buy me some more drinks, now"

"Yes dad." Perfect, the plan has started.

I went to my dads wallet to get the money for the bus ride, but he thinks is the money for the drinks. I quickly grab the ticket for the meet and greet, and then I am off.  I started walking to the bus stop, but quickly noticed that today there weren't going to be any busses going to New York City, great. I guess I have to walk, this will take a long time. 

I have now walked for about 4 hours, when I noticed that the sun was going down. This is not good, I was thinking that I could have slept at the outside of the concert, but I guess plan changes. I should probably start looking for a place to sleep. I saw this alley, and thought that this was the best option. 

I was woken up many times throughout the night, either because of the strong winds or because of the way I was sleeping, this will not be good. 

I honestly do not feel good right now, I am coughing all the time, and every time I am moving something is hurting from my ribs to my stomach to my back. I really do hope that this trip was worth it.

Finally I am here, I can't wait to see them. I wish I came earlier, there are so many people in front of me. This will take for ever. 

I think I have been waiting in that line for over 2 hours, my body is aching and I just can't wait to get this over with. Before I knew it it was my turn to meet the boys, I just have to remember to have fun and make sure that no one notices that I am feeling bad. 

I can't believe it I am getting to huge all of the boys, it is so amazing. Ashton is the last person I get to meet. He huges and signs my album, this honestly the best thing ever. 

"Your time is up, now move along." A security guards said, I guess this is my time and now I am going back to my home, yeah.

I noticed that Ashton went over to the security guard and said something, I think it was something allonge the lines of he needs a minute. Probably not, I am quite rusty with my lipreading. No one wants to talk to me so I am probably going crazy. I was starting to move bur before I had time I felt an arm on my hand, it was Ashton, ahhhhhhhhhhh.

"How are you feeling" Ashton said, I just felt him looking into my eyes, oh my gosh. This is amazing, wait did ask me a question. Oh gosh, what should answer, I am not going to tell the truth, cause he does not care at all.

"I am fine" I said, trying to convince Ashton and myself but mostly myself. 

Ashton's POV

While us boys were waiting for the next person to come we noticed this girl, she doesn't look to good. She is pale and shaky, I really want to check her out. You see me and the boys are doctors, but we are trying to keep it from everyone else. 

I was able to sine her album and even give this girl a huge. The security wanted to keep everyone moving, but I ran up to the guard and told him I needed a minute. I ran back to the girl, which I have learned is called Alex.

"How are you feeling" I asked her, seeing if I was able to get any information out of this girl or not. She says that she is fine, but most likely trying to convince her self.

I pull her away from all the other girls to be able to help her. Once we get away from them, I put my hand up her shirt, just so that I can gently feel her ribs. I noticed that she winced and tensed up when I was hugging her earlier.

I noticed that she was starting to panic, and at the same time Luke comes over to see what is happening. Poor Alex, she starts coughing, her head off. 

"That sounds pretty bad, Sweetheart, I want to check if your okay, just a quick exam." Luke says.

"No, No, I can't, my dad he will find out, this is not good, I just can't do it." Alex says starting to freak out.

"You will be fine, we are here to help you. I needs to be done." I say trying to calm her down.

"The security guard will take you to our dressing room, and once we are done with the meet and greet we can get this over with, okay? You will be fine." I say reassuring her.

That meet and greet took for ever, after we were done, we quickly rushed to the dressing room, but at the same time explaining the situation to both Calum and Michael. 

"Hi sweetheart, we will just quickly do a full exam okay, and then we will be done." I say.

We start looking at her ribs, her stomach and back, they all look horrible, there is so much to do. One of us is her ribs, the other one is starting an IV and the other two are asking basic questions to see if there is anything else missing. I get found out that she hasn't eaten in over 2 weeks, so I am rushing to find found and get her to start eating. When all of this is done, we started talking.

"Is there anyone we can call?" I asked trying to be helpful.

"I will walk home, I don't want to bother you guys." Alex says

"You can't go out in the condition you are in, it is best if you stay here." I said again

I saw her running up from the sofa and to the door, but Michael be him, managed to catch her. Michael was talking to her and playing with her hair, to make sure that he was distracting her so that Calum could sedate her. 

"Hey, it's okay, just relax and everything will be okay." I said.


Word count: 1417

Hope you guys liked it,

Please send more requests

I will have another imagine up as soon as possible


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