Chapter Thirteen: Dare/Truth (Kelsey)

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Kelsey's POV

It feels good to be back on the tour bus with the guys. I didn't realize how much I missed them until now. We had to drive a really long time because we had to make up for coming back to me constantly. We have started a massive game of truth or dare and I'm really learning a lot of shit about these guys that I can use on them sometime. I'm an evil genius.

"Calum, truth or dare." Michael says.


"What's the furthest you've gone?"

He skips a beat. He looks down at the ground and back at Michael, "all the way."

I laugh at his weirdness at answering the question. It's not a big deal, we're all legally adults here. He seems to be relieved that I'm laughing so he lets out a consolation laugh.

"Ashton, truth or dare."


"I dare you to make a vine admitting that you're stoned right now."

Ashton grabs his phone and does as he's told. I am laughing so hard right now that I think I might be stoned. But I'm not, don't worry.

"Luke, truth or dare"


"What's your greatest fear"

"Losing someone that I love"

My head shoots up, looking at him. He looks down and continues.

"Michael, truth or dare"


"I dare you to eat that jar of pickles that's been in the mini fridge for way too long."

"Ohhhh GODDD!" Michael whines, before getting up to get the pickles. 

I swear this game will be the death of them.

Michael eats one of the pickles and looks like he's going to throw up. Good thing there's only two in there. He eats the second one as fast as he can and chucks the empty jar into the trash.

"You shall pay" he says, in his best attempt to impersonate Batman.

He gets up and starts to chase Luke around the room. Ashton grabs his phone to start videotaping it.

Luke's words earlier had really caught me off guard. "Losing someone I love." I think that was the signal to me. I don't think I can do this. DON'T THINK. Just do it. 

"Calum, can I talk to you?"

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