Chapter Thirty-Five: Coffee/Faith (Calum)

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Calum's POV

We sit in the waiting room of the hospital. We've been here for almost 12 hours. Kelsey is still in surgery. Luke is sleeping sitting up and I'm laying down with the back of my head in his lap. I wish I could sleep. But I can't. I can't imagine going to sleep and waking up and now having Kelsey... not. I can see Ashton across the room with his mom. Neither of them are sleeping either. I decide to help out Kels and Ash's mom. She looks very exhausted. I get up and walk over to them.

"Hey Anne, would you like to go get come coffee with me?"

"Yes, that would be great, Calum" she says, in a soft voice I've never heard before. She was always so sure of herself when she talked and it was great, she was always so funny. But now there's a tone in her voice that's... scared. I grab her hand to help her stand up and we walk towards the coffee machine down the hall. 

"Calum" she whispers.


"Thank you. For everything that you've done. You've been a great friend to my son and an even better boyfriend to my daughter. I couldn't ask anything more of you."

"Well thank you as well."

"For what?"

"I don't know... making them?"

She lets out a quiet laugh.

"Yes, well I did do that. And you know, the worst worry in life isn't getting into college, it isn't the fear of dying. It's the feeling that you could out live your own child. She means more to me than anyone could ever know. She was one of my little girls. She's just amazing. I know I don't show it a lot, but I needed to let her know. And now, I think it might be too late."

"Anne. It's not too late. You need to trust me. It's never too late. I have full faith that she will make it through."

"Sometimes faith isn't enough"

"But sometimes, it's all you have, and you just have to believe in it."

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