Chapter Thirty-Seven: Crying/The Machine (Luke)

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Luke's POV

They've been back there for a while. I don't want to say anything to worry Calum and Michael, but I think it's longer than they should be... if everything was okay.

"I need to be in there." Calum whispers.

I don't know what to say. I know he needs to be in there, but edging him on won't do shit. 

My train of thought it broken by the loud noise of the door opening fast and Ashton running out of the room. He starts pacing and he's balling. Like crying more than I've ever seen. He sits down for about .0003 seconds then starts pacing again. Suddenly, his dad comes out of the room and walks over to Ashton. He grabs him into a very tight hug and Ashton starts shaking with tears, breathing heavily. I look at Calum and he is frozen. Completely frozen. He isn't even breathing. Anne walks out and comes up to Calum with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh Calum." she whispers, pulling him up into a hug. She starts shaking just like Ashton and Calum holds her tighter. I see no expression on Calum's face which scares me. He's never had a face like that. He only get emotionless when he is going through a depression. And this is the worst I've ever seen. I can't really blame him. This is one of the hardest things to deal with. I don't think anyone can fully deal with this though.

I turn to Michael, who has a single tear sliding down his face. He wipes it the second he realizes, then looks at me. I walk over to him. We stand there staring at each other for an eternity then we drop the act and hug each other, crying like babies. I mean, we just lost our sister. Our friend. Our best friend.

"I can't believe... I can't believe" Anne starts saying.

"Shhhh" Calum tries to soothe her. 

"No... no" she tries to cut him off.

"No... it's okay you don't need to say it... I understand." his voice cracks. 

"No, we have to say it" Ashton interrupts.

 "No you don't I'm fine. I don't want to hear it." Calum says with conviction.


"WHAT?" he gets frustrated this time.


"That's my name"



"She's ok."


"She made it out"

"Made what out?"

"Kelsey is fine"

"Fine in what regard?"


Calum stares at Ashton like a deer in headlights.

I walk over to him and put my hand on his back. Michael puts his hand on Calum's opposite shoulder. 

"Do you want to see her?" Anne asks.

He nods.

She grabs his arm and links it with hers. 

"Do you want them to come?"

"You don't have to--" Michael starts.

"Yeah" Calum says, a little confused like his mind is elsewhere.

We follow them to her room and when we walk in, she looks so different. She looks so small and frail. She has many things attatched to her with needles. She looks up from the point across the room she seemed to be staring at. She looks at us then at Calum. Then one of her machines starts beeping really loudly.

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