Chapter Seventeen: Dignity/Smash (Kelsey)

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Kelsey's POV

Ash and I walk over to Calum, Luke, and Michael on the other side of the bus. They can see that we've obviously been crying, but don't say anything. Just as I'm about to sit down, Calum stands up and grabs my hand, dragging me to the same couch that Ash and I were just on. He sits down, pointing that I should do the same.

"I'm so so so so so so so sorry, Kelsey." He says looking at our intertwined hands. 

"It's not your fault." I say, surprising him. But it's not his fault. I started it and it's not like he leaked the video. 

"I feel horrible." He says.

"It's still not your fault, plus it's your reputation that I ruined, not the opposite." 

"I don't care about your reputation, I care about your dignity."

"Fuck dignity. I love you and I don't care what people think." 

 The sad part is I know that I care what people think, a little bit too much, in fact. And Calum didn't seem to be satisfied with my answer.

"I know you do care what people think."

"Yeah, but I do love you."

"I know that too... but I know that it'll slowly eat you up inside knowing people think of you a certain way. Just because I've never confronted you about it, doesn't mean that I don't realize. Kelsey, I know you like the back of my hand. You do care, sometimes too much. But that's why I love you. You care about everyone else and put other people above you and it's amazing."

I just look up at him, surprised that his answer changed halfway through. I thought he was going to be mad at me for lying. After a few seconds of silence, I grab the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss, this one more passionate than any other we've shared.

"I love you too, Calum." I smile after the kiss breaks.

Suddenly, the tour bus comes to a screeching halt. We both fly off the couch, but we hit pillows that were out on the ground. We hear the driver scream. I run to the front of the bus and see that we've crashed into another bus in front of us. We were on the highway so we were going very VERY fast. I notice that the entire front of the bus is squished in. The driver is stuck in her seat and I need to find a way to get her out.

"ASHTON!" I start to scream. He comes stumbling from the other room. "She's stuck!" I explain, not very detailed, but he understands what I need. Him and Calum reach over and move the steering wheel up. They grab our driver, Asheligh, out of the seat. They move her over to the couch and notice that she's completely unconscious. Luckily, I had already called an ambulance and I heard one on it's way. The station must be close. I open the door to the tour bus and see many cars on the side, going how fast they would usually go in a parking lot. I look back and see an ambulance coming up. I step out of the bus and wave it down. They park right next to us and rush into the bus. I point them in the direction of the couch. They run over and start to move her onto a stretcher. They start to bring her over to the ambulance, but one stops when she sees Ashton. Really? This isn't a time to be starstruck... But the paramedic looks down at his leg. It wasn't until then that I saw a huge gash sliced in his left leg with blood spurting out. The other two paramedics bring Asheligh to the ambulance while the other walks over to Ashton and tells him to sit down on the couch. She starts to compress the wound with gauze, but the blood soon covers the gauze. She screams at her colleagues to bring another stretcher. They do, almost immediately, and they rush over and help Ashton onto the stretcher and take him away. 

"We'll be at Addison's hospital, the police should come to clear up the incident and you can get a ride with them if the bus doesn't work." The paramedic who saved Ashton's leg told us, before running and hopping into the back of the ambulance.

I hear the police sirens and soon they stop and see us standing there. Thankfully, we weren't given a ticket in the accident because apparently the driver of the bus in front of us was slightly intoxicated, but enough to be illegal. We tell the police what the paramedic said and one of the police cars takes us four. Luke takes the front seat. He takes out his phone to do something but I'm not exactly sure. All of a sudden, I hear him talking to his phone, but like it's a person, not a phone.

"Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone what is going on. We're riding in a police car because we're terrible people!"

"Are not!" Michael says, loudly and sarcastically from the back. 

"Yeah you are! That's why you three are in the back!" He moves the phone so it's showing us and I see that he's filming us. 

Well this is awkward.

Calum starts talking to the phone, "We just wanted to tell you that we are alright. We didn't want rumors flying around. So we're going to tell you what happened. Ashton has a cut on his leg, so he's going to see a doctor and we did get into a car crash, but only Ashton and Ashleigh, our driver, have been hurt, and as far as we know, they are doing fine!"

"LOVE YOU GUYS! BYE!" Michael shouts, before Luke moves his hand back so he can type on his phone.

 I soon realize that he was making a keek and it all made more sense to me. I lean over onto Calum's shoulder and close my eyes, still tired from being on this stupid diet and all the drama that happened previously.

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