Chapter Twelve: Titanic/Let Me Out (Kelsey)

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Kelsey's POV

With the help of the nurse, I sit up on the side of the bed. She checks my vitals again and helps me lay back down. She gets a call to my room, hangs up, and says, "someone's here to see you. I'm betting it's that Calum fellow. Are you two dating?"

"Yeah, we are" I say, smiling.

"Well, I can tell he really cares for you. He's come in so many times and stays for a very long time after you're asleep. He only leaves when he's forced to."

I smile, knowing that he really does love me.

Seconds later, he bursts through the door.

"Calum!" I say, not being able to contain my excitement. Honeslty, I would be very excited to see him anyways, but being stuck in this room with only new Disney cartoons to watch, I'd much rather have company, especially Calum.

"Kelsey!" he smiles.

He walks over and kisses my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better, actually, they're releasing me later today!" 

"Yay! I can't wait!" He says, jumping a little bit.

"Calum, your gay is showing."

'What? You know I'm not gay." He says, winking.

"You know I'm kidding anyways. So what do you have planned for today?"

"Well... I brought some DVDs and hot chocolate!"

Well good thing I'm allowed to have dairy once a week.

"Which DVDs"

"Titanic... both of them" he smiles.

"You just love surprising me with my favorite things don't you?"

He smiles, his adorable smile that I haven't seen in a while. Usually it's just a consolation smile, but this time, it was real. He walks over to the tv and puts in the movie and comes over and sits on the seat next to me.

I look at him, "do you really want to sit there?" I ask.

He smiles again, his real smile, and lays down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and relaxes back onto the pillow. Before I knew it, we were fast asleep.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and I see Ashton's face. 

"Morning sleepyhead" he smiles.

"Why does everyone call me that?"

"You sleep... a lot!"

"You don't sleep enough!"

"I'll sleep when I'm dead." he smirks. I playfully hit him on the shoulder.

I look to my left and I see Michael trying to wake up Calum. He is impossible to wake up. I poke his stomach until he wakes up laughing, "stop stop you know I'm ticklish!" he yells, we can't help but laugh. He sits up and gets back to his senses, "Why are you guys here?"

"We've come to break you out!" Michael says, putting a fist in the air and another on his hip like a superhero. "Just kidding, the nurse called and said that you're free to go!"


Just then, the nurse walks in with Luke following behind her.

"Sweetie, I'm just going to check your vitals one last time, then you can go." she smiles.

"Can you guys just take all my stuff out to the bus and meet me back up here?" I ask Calum, Michael, and Ashton. They smile and go to the corner of the room to pack up my stuff. "Luke, can you stay, I need to show you something." I know it's a lie, but I needed to talk to him. "Sure."

The other boys don't seem to be phased by me asking Luke to stay, which is good. The other three boys leave the room and I sit up, this time on my own. The nurse takes my temperature then I start talking. I tell Luke exactly what I was going to tell him in the car. About everything that has happened the past few years with my health and this stupid disease. Every single thing that's happened to me, all the times that I've been to the hospital, all of it. By the time I'm finished the nurse has left. Luke is left staring at me in shock. He looks like he's having trouble comprehending everything that I've just told him.

"Have... you.... have you told Calum?"

"No... I really wish I had but I just don't have the courage."

"You're going to have to tell him eventually."

"I know... I just.... I can't do it. Emotionally or physically... can't do it."

And with that, Luke hugs me with all his might.

"I can help you. I promise. I won't let anything hurt two of my favorite people in the whole entire world. I love both of you, and I promise that I will help, with anything that you need." 

He releases the hug and grabs my hands.

"I promise." he whispers.

The other three boys come bursting in the room, laughing like maniacs.

"Thank you." I whisper back to Luke.

The boys all come over and I make them turn around while I change back into street clothes. Once I'm done, we all walk out the door, one arm linked with Calum's, one with Michael's. 

It's strange because I felt like I was in the hospital for such a long time, but I was only there for three days. I guess time's going by slowly in my head, which is pretty good. But the only problem is that time will go by, and Luke and Michael are right, I will have to tell Calum.

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