Chapter 8

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Phil POV

29th September

"Phil." Dan says annoyingly, chucking a ball of paper at the back of my head.

I groan. "What? What could you possibly want that makes you need to throw paper at my head?"

"Nothing. I'm bored and you're ignoring me." He complains childishly, snatching the current book that I was reading out of my hands and into his own.

He scoffs. "What is this crap, Phil?"

"That 'crap', is 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', only one of the greatest books ever written." I reply quickly, slightly offended at how quick he is to judge a book by it's cover.

"Well, it looks like shit. Come on! Please can we play some games or something? We still have ages until our parents get back here." He moans.

Our parents, well, his parents and my mum, had gone out for dinner this evening. I think it was to discuss wedding arrangements. Both Dan and I had adjusted to what was going to happen. In a week or so, we would be moving in together.

We would then have an engagement party with Dan's wealthy side of the family, and my what-little-I-have-left side of the family. We would then be arranging things for the wedding, work for the future and other things up until the big day.

After that, I suppose we have to live. Whether it be happily or not, I don't think my mother cares.

I sigh. "Fine, but after that please leave me alone for a while. I like reading."

A devious grin grows across his face. "Of course, Philly. What do you want to play? Mariokart? Donkey-"

"Could we not play video games? Why don't we play twenty questions? We could get to know each other." I offer, a peculiar feeling of confidence overcoming me.

"Getting to know each other? That's so gay, Phil." Dan retorts.

"Well, you would know everything about being gay. Wouldn't you, Daniel?" A voice says from behind us. We spin around, only to see one of Dan's fellow friends in the doorway.

"Your maid let us in." Another one sneers behind him.

"Guys," Dan stands up. "Leave."

The one with brown hair chuckles. "Why would we want to do that when we've only just arrived?"

I stand up behind Dan, and cower slightly behind him.

"Brett, Lloyd.. Please." Dan sighs, running a hand through his hair.  Brett pushes past Dan and lifts his hand to my cheek as if it were a threat.

"Get your hand away from him." Dan says quietly, placing his hand on Brett's chest.

"Or what?" Lloyd sneers, squaring up to Dan slightly. Dan rolls his  eyes. At this moment, I feel a tightness around my neck and feel my back being pressed up against something.

It's only when I gasp for air that I realise Brett's hands are around my neck. I squeeze my eyes shut and feel one hand leave my neck. My wrist is then pinned up above me and I hear a sharp crack.

"Ah-" I cry out in pain, until I feel my pain start leaving, like an old man's hair receding. I'm dropped to the floor and I gaze up ever so slightly to see Dan pushing both the boys out of the door.

"Get them out of this house, they're scum." He shouts to someone dressed in black. He shuts the door behind him and kneels down in front of me.


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