Chapter 11

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A/N: I've decided that I will update this story as soon as each previous chapter reaches 100 reads. So, when this chapter reaches 100 reads, I will be uploading the next chapter and so on. Thanks! 


1st October

I don't quite know what happened to Phil last night, I didn't see him after he left the table in a hurry. I did try to check up on him, but the chef guy told me not to. I think his name is Michael or something. All I know is that our house nurse went into his room at about 9 o'clock last night and she hasn't come out yet.

I lift my head off of my pillow slightly as I hear a knock at the door. 

"Daniel? Are you awake?" Lily asks, walking into my room. 

"Yep!" I reply shortly, kicking my duvet off of my legs as I'm too hot. She rolls her eyes at my indecency.

She sits down on the edge of my bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" 

"I don't know..." I shrug. "I'll make myself some cereal or something."

Lily nods and gets up to leave the room. "Have you asked Phil if he would like anything?" 

"Oh, he's not here." She replies.

I cock my head. "Why? Where is he?" 

"He's at the hospital... I thought Mark would've told you." She says, sitting back down on the bed. 

"Why's he at the hospital? God, he's so clumsy!" I chuckle. 

Lily shakes her head. "He's ill, Dan." 

"Why can't Jennette look after him? She's not a very good nurse if she can't cure sickness." I say, confused as to why Phil had to go to hospital for a bug. 

"No, Dan." Lily sighs, placing a hand on my leg. "He's... mentally not well." 

"What? He's crazy?" I ask curiously.

"I can't say anything, you'll have to ask him to explain it to you - but just be easy on him when he gets back, okay?" Lily says softly, only furthering my concern.

"But, if he's not well, why is he coming back?" I ask curiously.

Lily shakes her head. "Wait and speak to him." 

I sigh and lay back in my bed as Lily leaves the room. I suppose my only choice is to get up and go to school, I can't afford to fail. 

I shower quickly and straighten my hair before deciding what clothes to wear. I pick out my 'YEEZUS' top and a pair of black jeans before slipping them on and heading downstairs.

I jog into the kitchen after seeing the time and decide on grabbing a granola bar for breakfast as my driver is already waiting outside for me. School flies past, I spend the day mostly alone and listening to music in my study periods. 

For some reason I decided to cancel my usual ride home to instead, walk home. It seems that I made the wrong choice, seeing as it began to rain as soon as I stepped out of the school gates. I slam the door as I arrive home, mumbling angrily about my now curly hair. 

I drop my soaking jacket to the floor and shout to one of the maids to clean it. 

"Effy?" I shout, feeling my mood decreasing by the second. "Effy! Here!" 

"Yes, Daniel?" She asks, walking in front of me. I point to the wet jacket on the floor and she sighs, picking it up before walking away. 

"Oh." I start, causing her to turn around again. "You might as well take these as well." I slide my t-shirt and wet jeans off and hand them to her, which leaves me in just a pair of black briefs.

I run my hands through my wet hair before sighing and heading into the kitchen to grab some food. Someone clears their throat behind me, causing me to spin around.

"Jack!" I exclaim happily, grinning at the man stood before me. "Since when did you work here?"

"I managed to persuade your father to allow me to move and cook here! I'm sharing shifts with Mark, which means less pay, but it's worth it to see you!" The green haired man smiles back. 

"Ah." I take a bite out of my ham roll, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "I missed seeing your pretty face around here." 

Jack laughs. "If someone walks in here right now, it's going to look extremely weird. Y'know, with you being in your boxers and all." 

"Nah, it's not like I'm taken." I wink, kissing his cheek lightly. 

"C'mon, Dan, you're getting married. We can't do this." Jack groans, pulling away.

"Whatever." I giggle. "What's for dinner?" 

"Soup, I believe." Jack replies, beginning to chop tomatoes. 

"What? Soup sucks, why are we having soup?" I complain, shoving a hand down the front of my underwear to get some kind of warmth. 

Jack grimaces at my action. "Your fiancé needs something easy to eat." 

"Why? I heard he was mentally ill, not phys-" I start before Lily's voice interrupts me.

"Daniel, take your hand out of your boxers please." She sighs. I turn around and grin at her.


"No problem; now, Phil got home around two hours ago and has been advised to eat things which are easy to stomach. The doctor also suggested he take some time off of school to help him feel better. So, for the love of god, be nice to him." Lily explains, chucking me a blanket.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I say defensively, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders and shivering slightly at the warmth of it. 

"Please." Lily pleads slightly, and I can see that she really is tired. I nod my head and exit the kitchen. Running up the stairs, I hear a small sniff from Phil's room. As I'm about to knock on the door, I realise that I'm only in my boxers so decide against talking to him now.

Upon entering my room, I slip on a new pair of boxers before pulling on a pair of Pokémon trainer trackies and an Attack On Titan sweater. I sigh when I see the sight of my hair, and decide to slip on a beanie to cover it. 

I hear Phil softly humming through the wall which brings a smile to my face. I shuffle out of my room and softly knock on his door.

"Phil?" I knock. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." He replies softly. I push the door open slightly to see Phil also sat in a pair of trackies and a sweater. 

"How are you?" I ask, sitting next to him on his bed, scanning my eyes over the sketches he's been working on. 

"Yeah." His voice cracks. "Fine." 

I watch him fiddle with his fingers as he avoids eye contact with me. 

"Hey." I say softly. "Are you okay?" 

I meet his eyes and a small sigh escapes his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

We sit in an awkward silence for a moment before I break it. "Would you like to watch some anime?" 

He nods bashfully before pausing. "I haven't got a TV in here." 

"I've got one in my room." I chuckle. "Come on." 

I offer out my hand to him and he takes it softly and follows me out of his room and into mine. I climb into bed first and he follows, a yawn escaping his lips. 

"Are you tired?" I ask him. I feel a small nod against my side and a smile lightly. 

"Why don't you nap before dinner and I'll wake you when it's ready?" 

He furrows his eyebrows in thought. "Is that okay?" 

"Of course." I nod. He smiles lightly and rests his head on my shoulder, and within a few minutes, he's asleep. 

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