Chapter 13

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A/N: Seeing as the previous chapter now has 100 reads, here is the next chapter! 


1st October

How dare Jennette say those things to me? A Howell? I'm above her, I can make her lose her job in a matter of seconds and she has the audacity to feel bad for Phil because he's marrying me? 

I cry out in anger and kick over the chair before shoving the computer off of the desk. I shout again and kick the door repeatedly, causing it to crack.

"Dan!" I hear Jack call, rushing into the room. "Dan, Dan calm down! Dan!"

He grabs my arms and restrains them behind my back. "Mark! Help!" 

I see Mark rush into the room and take over where Jack is standing. 

"What the fuck do you want? Let me go!" I cry, wrestling against Mark's strong arms. 

"Dan, you need to calm down before I even think about letting you go, okay?" He says into my ear, causing me to stop thrashing about; to which he loosens his grip slightly. I free myself from his grasp and kick something over again. 

"Calm yourself, Daniel." I hear a voice from behind me say, I turn around only to be met by a familiar pair of eyes. Crispin, my old tutor. My jaw drops slightly and I feel a wave of nostalgia overcome me before my eyes are filled with tears and I'm pulled into his chest. I feel myself begin to sob, and release the feelings I've kept bottled up for so long. 

"Do you have a pad room?" He whispers into my ear. I nod and point my head to the room down the hallway, where he guides me as I continue to cry. A pad room is a room that I had when I lived with my parents. The room is in the name. It's a room made completely out of pads; the walls and floor included. 

He shuts the door and guides me over to a corner where a few bean bags lay. We sit down and I bury my head in my hands, pulling on my hair as sobs wrack my body. Cris places his hand on my back and I lean into him instinctively. 

"Let go of your hair, Daniel. Squeezing it won't help you release your stress." He states calmly, taking my hands and putting them in my lap. 

We sit in a comfortable silence, accompanied by me sniffling occasionally. 

"You've grown." He comments. 

I chuckle quietly. "That tends to happen when eight years pass." 

We both laugh before falling into a comfortable silence. Crispin moved into our house when I was three, to look after and raise me basically. He taught me table etiquette at meals, and tutored me during the day. When I was eight or so, he moved out to start a family with a lovely woman he had met, which was when I started school for the first time. 

Cris spent time with me more than my parents did. With them working 24/7, it meant I was being raised by the maids and butlers around me, hence why I'm so close with them now. He taught me how to play piano, all of my subjects and just how to be a human basically. 

He visited a few times a week up until I was about fourteen or fifteen, which is when everything started going downhill. I learnt about drugs, alcohol and using a fake ID.  That's pretty much my life up until now without Crispin, and look at me. 

"So, finally came out to your parents, then?" Cris asks, sitting me up. 

I smile. "Yep." 

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asks. I look up to meet his gaze and only then do I realise how time has taken it's toll on him. His once clear skin has turned wrinkly, and his hair is quickly greying. 

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