Chapter 9

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29th September

I was sat in a private waiting room while Phil was having his x-Ray. Our private family doctor was sat opposite me.

"How are things, Daniel?" He smiles.

You see, he had been my doctor since I was about four. He knows everything about me and in fact used to live with us in our house until he was transferred here to work with more patients. More pay, I guess.

"Besides the fact that I'm being forced into a marriage, not too bad. What about you?" I say slyly, taking a sip from my bottle of water.

"Everything is good, thanks. How are your moods?" He replied, siting up slightly into that 'doctor pose'.

"All over the place to be honest."

"Could you explain a bit more? Explain your feelings during your normal daily routine." He asks, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"We're here for Phil, not me." I refuse, crossing my arms.

"Since when were you to hold back on complaining?" Christopher winked. I rolled my eyes at sat up slightly.

"So, in the morning I'll wake up.. Go to school. Then I'll come home, do something for a while and then go to bed." I say as if it were obvious. He raises his eyebrows, unimpressed.

"How are you in school? Your concentration? Anger?" He pushes.

"I struggle to concentrate all the time, it's terrible. I'll either be really upbeat and messing around, or angry and arguing with everyone."

"And what happens when you argue with people?" He asks.

"I walk out and have some sort of fit."

"Some sort of fit?" He asks incredulously.

"Yeah!" I chuckle lightly. "I just get angry to I punch shit."

He raises his eyes at my use of profanity and I raise my hands in innocence.

"Have you ever heard of Bipolar disorder?" He places his hands on his desk and looks directly at me.

"W-what?" I stutter back.

"I believe that in your childhood, and teen years, you've showed traces of this disorder. It's nothing to be ashamed of, Daniel, it's easily treated by-" He starts.

"No!" I protest. "I'm fine."

"Daniel, I've actually spoken to your parents about this-"

I stand up abruptly. "You spoke about me to my parents behind my back?"

He sighs. "Yes, Daniel, quite frequently and I think you should just be more open minded to the thought of you having this disorder."

"There's nothing fucking wrong with me!" I shout, as I watch Chris' eyes dart behind me. I turn around and see Phil standing behind me, cowering slightly. His wrist was in a sling and in a white backslab.

"Come on, Phil." I say, turning my back on Christopher.

"Daniel-" he starts.

"No, leave it." I reply, making short eye contact with Phil. He nods and follows me out of the door. I walk briskly through the hospital, leaving a beaten Phil trailing behind me.

I sigh. "Come on, Phil. Hurry up."

"I'm sorry, Dan. It just hurts to walk." He mumbles. I slap my hand across my forehead and groan. I feel the anger rise in my chest, but I push it down and turn around to help him.

I offer my arm out and he holds onto it uncertainly.

"Phil, I may be in a bad mood but I will not do anything to hurt you. I vowed that to myself, okay?"

He nods and smiles lightly. "Thank you, Dan."

I help him into my car and drive us home in a somewhat comforting silence. I'm not surprised to see that my parents and Phil's mum are standing in the driveway, each of them with their phones to their ears.

"Daniel! Where have you been?" My mother demands, looking at the state of Phil while his mum rushes over to him.

"Where you've been for the past seven years of my life; out." I spit. I hear silence behind me and feel all eyes on me.

"Daniel, please. Stop bringing up these, quite frankly stupid, repressed issues!" She demands.

I clench my jaw shut and storm past my parents, into the house, and up into the top room of the house. I sigh and fall down onto a bean bag, pulling open the drawer next to me. I roll a spliff from what little weed I have left and grab a lighter.

A creak from behind the door stops me lighting it up. I sigh audibly and Phil peeks his head around the door.

"I-I just wanted to know if you w-were okay." He asks sympathetically.

"I'm fine." I say, lighting up the joint.

"You shouldn't get high when you're sad, Dan. It'll only make your mood worse." He replies, his voice coming out slightly timid.

"My mood can't get any worse." I laugh, taking a drag from the spliff.

He sighs and stands up. "You need to start letting people in, Dan. You're not helping yourself by shutting everyone out."

"No, I don't need to start letting people in. I need to start letting people out of my life, starting with my family."

"What do you mean?" Phil queries.

"I'm pulling our moving date forward, we're moving into the house tomorrow."

A/N: Let me know what you thought about this chapter! Thanks.

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