Chapter 10

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Phil POV

30th September

I throw the final pillow onto my bed and sit down with a huff. Dan stomps into my room with a red face and his hair pushed back.

"You done?"

"Y-yeah." I say back timidly, in awe at my new room. Everything is so... expensive-looking. How do people live a lifestyle like this? I feel bad enough seeing as Dan's family bought it all, but even more-so that I don't deserve it.

I lie back on the bed and place my hands on my stomach, breathing out deeply. I feel a weight next to me and I turn slightly to see Dan lying next to me.

"Whatcha thinking about, Philly?" He nudges. I shrug my shoulders aimlessly.

"C'mon." He urges. "Spill."

I sigh. "I was thinking about this house."

"What do you mean?" Dan replies, turning on his side to look at me.

"It's all so much. I'm not used to having all of this stuff, I just... I-I feel like I don't deserve it." I say, my voice wavering as I get to the end of my sentence.

"You hungry?" Dan asks, changing the subject. I shake my head and sit up, feeling my head spin because of my low blood pressure.

"You sure about that?" He chuckles, giving me a hand up off of the bed. I nod again, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks. I follow him down the many stairs of the house and into the kitchen, where a chef awaits our order for dinner.

"Good evening, Daniel. Any requests for dinner?" The man who I believe is called 'Mark' asks. Dan looks at me and I shrug, playing with my fingers nervously.

"How about avocado caprese skillet chicken with some salad?" Dan suggests casually, as if it were a normal meal. Mark nods as Dan walks away, pulling his phone out.

"You didn't eat last night, either." Mark says in a hushed tone, looking up at me with concerned eyes. I shrug and make my way to standing beside Mark, handing him the correct herbs to coat the chicken.

"You like cooking, huh kid?" He asks me with a fond smile. I shrug lightly again and hand him some kind of sauce to layer it.

"Not much of a talker, I'm assuming." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes lightly. "I prefer thinking."

"You shouldn't keep your thoughts to yourself." He states, I feel his eyes studying my face as he says that; and I know he meant something deeper than being quiet.

I nod and turn away slowly, slipping out of the room.

"Hey, Philip?" Mark asks.


"Would you like some cooking lessons some time?" He smiles.

I bite my lip in thought and nod shyly.

He grins. "Okay, let me know your school hours and we'll work it around them, okay?"

"Thank you." I reply, slipping my hands into my pockets and going into the room Dan went into. I look up and see him lying on a circular sofa with a blanket draped over his legs. He sees me and smiles lightly.

"Want to watch some anime?"

I nod and take a seat next to him.

"Don't be silly." He sighs, picking up the blanket. "Come on."

I slide under the blanket carefully and slot in next to Dan, feeling his heat radiating onto my side.

"Have you seen Death Note?" He asks, clicking onto Netflix. I shake my head silently and he looks at me funnily.

"God, you really are quiet, aren't you?" He says lightly. I giggle slightly and bring my knees up to my chest, hugging myself.

"Not a bad thing." I reply.

"Not a good thing." He says back, raising his eyebrows to me.

"I'm sorry." I apologise, cursing myself for not talking and being weird an-

"Phil." He shakes my arm. "It's fine, I was joking."

"Oh." I reply quietly. He shakes his head, chuckling, before resuming the episode. By the end of it, the anxious feelings I had when I apologised to Dan had only increased. I could see my hands shaking lightly underneath the blanket.

"Excuse me, Daniel, your dinner is ready and on the dining table." Mark peeks through the door after knocking. We stand up and follow him to the dining room, where we take our seats opposite each other while Mark stands by the door if we need anything.

The only sound in the room is Dan eating his salad, while I'm sat opposite him staring at mine. I know I should eat it, I truly do, but it's hard when whatever you eat is thrown back up again.

"Not hungry, Phil?" Dan smiles genuinely.

I shake my head. "Feel a bit sick."

I see Mark's gaze avert to me and I know that he knows something is going on. He knows everything, he knows everything, he knows everything, he knows everyth-

"E-Excuse me." I stutter before standing up and exiting the room, rushing to find a toilet. I stand over the toilet and wretch, but to no avail does anything come up. I wretch and cough until my throat becomes raw.

A/N: Hello! I apologise for how long it took me to get this up, I've had exams and all of that shit. I'm hoping to bring a little bit of angst into the story soon, so look forward to that!

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