“Finally..” Sighed the voice of a weary, blue armored Toa, as she stepped through the southern gates of the primary water village of Okoto’s water region.
“Ahh, Toa Gali has returned!” Exclaimed the voice of a villager he made his way towards the Toa.
“Yes, my mission has been completed.” Gali sighed, looking past him to the gathering Okotans.
“The Toa have awakened Ekimu the mask maker!” Kivoda cheered, holding Gali’s hand up.
“Yeah! Toa Gali!” The surrounding villagers cheered as Kivoda smiled under his mask.
“Thank you, Toa Gali, we are in your debt.” The villager bowed.
“It was my duty.” Gali said, standing straight.
“Toa Gali.” Kivoda said, turning to the crowd.
“Yes Kivoda?” Gali whispered as Kivoda shook his head.
“May I request that you take on a student?” He asked.
“I certainly could.” Gali answered.
“Splendid.” Kivoda said, clapping his hands. “Mizu, come forth and greet Toa Gali.” He shouted, the crowd splitting down the middle, creating a path, a large figure sitting at the end of it. The figure stood, standing at about Tahu’s height, his body was covered in dark blue armor, with large, silver metallic armor plating over that, his mask was smooth and round going from dark blue on the bottom, to silver along the top. He began walking through the crowd, stopping before Kivoda and Gali.
“It is an honor to meet you, Toa Gali.” Mizu said quietly, dropping to one knee and bowing his head.
“The honor is all mine.” Gali smiled, glancing to the protector.
“Now now, enough of the formalities Mizu.” Kivoda smirked. Mizu nodded, standing back up.
“So, you would like for me to train, him?” Gali asked.
“Yes, though he may seem powerful, Mizu is still young, and his body was so suddenly altered by the mask he wears. He is not quite ready to face Makuta’s evil. So, will you train him?” Kivoda responded, looking up at the Toa.
“I suppose...” Gali sighed. “Come, Mizu, show me your abilities.” She said as she motioned for him to follow her, turning around and walking back out of the village.
“Yes Toa.” Mizu nodded, trailing behind her.
The ground shook with immense force as massive boulders flung through the cavern, slamming into the walls and ground, sending shards of rock and crystal flying. A thin figure did his best to dodge the incoming attacks, slicing through the smaller boulders with his saw shield.
“Not half bad.” Onua smirked, impressed that Strider had made it this far. In the moment that Onua stopped to speak, Strider launched towards him, his shovel claw digging through the ground as he sped forward. In seconds, he was inches from the Toa of earth, he swiped his saw shield at the Toa’s mask, a wall of crystal rising from the ground and blocking the attack. “You’ll need to be faster than that if you want to hit me.” Onua said, sliding one foot back and thrusting his hands forward, the wall of crystal moving in the same direction, wrapping around Strider and forming a sphere, trapping him.
Strider’s mind raced, his anger overflowing as he struggled to move. “This was fun.” Onua said, forming a staff out of the strongest rocks he could summon. At the top of the staff, crystals began to form a massive, purple mace head. Onua observed the sphere floating above him, bracing himself as he gripped the shaft of the mace as he winded back, using his elemental abilities, he made the sphere shoot at himself, swinging the mace at it as fast and hard as he could, launching the crystal orb across the cavern. The ball soon smashed against the ceiling, shattering on impact, letting Strider drop down to the ground with a thud, crystal shards piercing the ground all around him.
Takeru’s eyes were wide, in absolute shock at what he had just witnessed, he had just seen his “rival” Strider, hold his own against Toa Onua and his earth shattering power. Granted, Onua was surrounded by his natural element, so Strider couldn’t have chosen a worse place for this fight. Korgot stood, smirking a bit as she clapped her hands. “Thank you Toa Onua, it is about time that boy learned his place.”

Bionicle: The Mask of Imitation
AcciónThousands of years ago, on the mythical island of Okoto. Two mask makers, Ekimu and his brother, Makuta, forged great masks for the residents of Okoto. That was before Makuta's betrayal. His envy towards his brother drove him to a lust for recogniti...