Chapter 14.

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I sit beside Kieran's grave, the wind picking up. Tears prickle to run down my cheeks. Memories flash again in front of me, tearing my heart. Meetings,hugs,kisses,holding hands,anniversaries and all the little details from the moment we laid eyes on one another till the day he was killed. I miss him and it hurts. Kieran was one special person. He always knew how to make me feel like the luckiest girl on earth. I swallow as I look at his grave. When his parents heard about his death, they were devastated. They blamed everything on me. And truth be told, I think I was. My family wasn't the best. They didn't care about me or my life. When they met my parents I was ashamed. Mum was drunk, kept talking badly toward me, and passed out under the table. Dad didn't even bother to respond to the invitation.
When Kieran died, I suffered and they didn't pay me a visit. So I had to try and move on, but I couldn't. Now Cale is here, I don't know what he wants. He is good person. Always here to protect me which annoys me sometimes. I am scared of him getting closer, my feelings for him are growing with each of our meetings. And the worst part, he has a girlfriend.
I feel Cale sitting beside me on the hard stone, his hands dropping around my shoulders moving me so he could hug me. I drop my hands around his waist, burying my face against his chest. Tears fall down my cheeks soaking his shirt wet, sobs erupting from my throat. As his feels me shaking, his hands tighten around me,his body tensing.
He kisses my head and whispers soothing words. After what felt like forever of me pouring my soul, I brush the tears away with the back of my hands. I should be embarrassed that I cried like that in front of Cale but, for some reasons I don't .
I pull away from him,getting up on my feet. "Do you want to watch a movie at my house? We could buy some ice cream on the way. " he says smirking,getting up. My heart flutters. He did not ask any question of why I would sob. He didn't feel awkward or embarrassed.
" I'd love that." I say giving him a small smile. He takes my hand in his and we walk slowly to my car. He opens the drivers door and I hop in. He closes the door and heads to his car.

"So what movie would you like?" He asks giving me a few choices of each genre.
I think for a minute, scooping more ice cream and popping it in my mouth. "Can we watch something musical? Maybe Indian? Their music lifts my mood, mostly if it's from a funny movie!" My eyes lit up as I jump from the couch, being cautious not to drop the ice cream.
Cale chuckles while strolling through the movie section. He stops to a romantic love story. He sits down on the couch, covering us in the blanket he brought. The lights are dim in the room. The movie starts and after a few minutes we are laughing.
I scoop another spoonful of ice cream as Cale goes through the movie section again. "You enjoying yourself?" He asks glancing at me, a smile playing on his lips.
"Very!" I beam.
"You want to sleep over?" He asks grinning at me. "What?" I ask giggling. He must be joking.
"Sleep over, as in I give you clothes to sleep in. And we have fun, maybe a movie night then go to bed tired only to wake up tired. " he says slowly as if I didn't understand what he meant from the start. I glare at him which only wins me a smirk. I slowly put the left ice cream on the small table beside the couch, training my eyes on Cale. I jump on him , squishing him in a sandwich between me and the couch. "Ouch!" He says. Too late do I notice that my knee has hit his jewellery. I get off horrified at first, but he couldn't even glare at me. I burst out laughing, one real laugh. I haven't had one in ages. I laugh clutching my stomach, falling from the couch.
Cale starts laughing with me, joining me in my madness. After a while of me trying to stop, my cheeks hurting. I dabbed my eyelashes. I take a huge gulp of air.
" So sleepover it is?" He says having a huge smile spread on his lips. "It is!" I say grabbing my ice cream and siting again on the couch. "But we need to continue the movie night." I say trying to look serious. " then we shall do." He says taking the remote control and scrolling through the comedy section.

"Your fridge is empty?!" I yell, seeing the empty refrigerator.
He puts his palm on the back of his head. "Well..yeah. I don't cook much. Usually eat somewhere and come back home." My eyes widen. "What?!" I yell yet again.
"We shall go shopping now!" I say hurried.
"It's 4 am May!" He says frustrated.
" I am hungry and if I don't get my food, I will unlashed my hideous side to you. You won't like it" I say through gritted teeth.
His lips quirk up. " and what if I don't want to?" Realising what he is Doing, I put my hands on my hips. "Cale Ryder, I shall remind you that you asked me to stay over which means-" I say the last two words loudly. "-I need food!" I say. "Let's go for a night trip" he says grabbing his car keys and moving toward the door.

" we will buy this" "maybe this too" "and this"
"You want to buy the whole market?" He asks huffing in annoyance. "Yes. You have a problem?" He stares at me, his eyes narrowed. He breaks into a chuckle and shakes his head.
"Let's do something amusing." I say and his ears perk up ,we had enough space in the cart. So I moved the food on a side and climbed in sitting on my butt. Cale erupts into a chuckle as he speeds the cart around the market until some of the staff stopped us.
"You can't run around with the cart in the market. And miss, you can't sit in the cart" the man says rolling his eyes.
I get out giggling.

We came back at his house and , got everything out of the bags to put them in the fridge.
We will cook. This will be fun.

I am really sorry for updating so late! I have been having problems with school and finals and now the new semester's exams. It is maddening. And I want to thank everyone cause this book is so close to 1K views!! 5 more views! It's like yesterday I got 100 views and I was fangirling. I can't update too often but I promise to try as much as I can. Usually my writing comes mostly when I am at school. Yes, instead of paying attention I have ideas for the book. Such a smarty. Anyways THANK YOU! if you liked this chapter LIKE-COMMENT-SHARE? It means a lot to me.

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