Chapter one

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Um this is my first time writing about werewolves so just bear with me hear. Please comment and vote

*Bella's p.o.v

"Tsk tsk Bella, do you wanna make me mad" Zack hissed
I shook my head violently. I didn't want another beating today. I'm weak, but I won't give them the satisfaction they want for hurting or touching me.
"Well then, take off your shirt bitch and lay down on your back" he said while leaning against the cell bars.
I backed up a little scared of what he might do. Sam, Cody, TJ, and Max already touched and beat me, wasn't that enough.

"Now you slut" he screamed coming closer.
I stated to take the large shirt that went to my knees and pulled it off me slowly when I heard a crash. I looked up quick, but got light headed for moving so fast. I started to sway when I heard growling. I got super scared. I looked around the small dungeon to see a giant about 6'8 stalking towards me. He had power reeking off of him. I cowered down in the corner as I heard him growl "MINE". Then everything went dark.

Sorry that it's so short, the chapters will get longer each time👍

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