Chapter 16

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Jaxon carried me down to the kitchen because he said and I quote 'Let me carry you. I don't want to you to get hurt and yeah' which is like kind of a total lie. He just wanted to hold me and for me to be as close as possible to him, but I don't mind. I kinda like his possessiveness and the need to protect me 24/7.

Jaxon plopped down on the biggest chair in the dinning room and held me on his lap rather tightly. The room was very quiet so I looked up to see hundreds of eyes that held adoration, excitement, jealousy, and some also held anger and sadness. But all the looks held confusion.

People were sitting in chairs looking at me or us and others were just walking in and bowing down to Jaxon while they just looked at me. I slumped lower in his lap to try to hide myself a bit feeling a bit scared. A growl well more like a roar lift Jaxon's throat as he felt my uneasiness. Everyone in the room cowered down in fear as they tried to comfort their now crying baby/child. Whimpers were heard as Jaxon kept growling. Some of them slowly escaped the room getting to safety. "Don't. Look. At. Her." Jaxon said between feral growls.

Everyone now new what the problem so they averted their gaze to the food that just appeared. Feeling a bit more safe I sat up straighter and looked at my food. There was 10 pancakes stacked on one plate, bacon, eggs, and sausage were stacked on another and the last plate had French toast. There were two huge glasses of orange juice. Be said all that there was one empty plate right in front of me.

I looked at all this food in awe. I've never seen so much food in my life.

'Jaxon' I said hoping that he heard me.

"Yes, little one" he whispered in my ear making a shiver run down my spine.

'Eat now' I asked?

"Yes, we can eat and you can call me Jax" he told me. I nodded my head in response. Jax started to put eggs, bacon, sausage, and one hot cake on my plate. After fixing my plate he started to make his plat putting the rest of the eggs, bacon, and sausage on his plate, along with five pancakes.

I reached out to grab a fork when Jax grabbed my hand. "No I'm going to feed yo-" but he was cut off when a tall girl that had al lost all of he private donations parts showing screamed.

"Hey bitch get off my mates lap" she screamed while she walked over to me and Jax started growling lowly. "Did you not hear me slut. I said get the fuck off my man" she screeched as she shoved my off of Jax and on to the floor. In an instant the girl was pinned to the wall by her neck.

"I'm not your fucking mate, that's my mate Alison. And how dare you insult your future Luna. If anything your the slut" Jaxon hissed. He dropped her to the ground and was by my side picking me up.

"What that bitch is lying to you. I'm your real mate not her" the girl known as Alison slapped me. Then and there Jax threw me into someone else's arms. He picked her up and threw across the room until she collided with the wall. She fell limp, whimpering as she held on to her shoulder.

"If you ever touch her again I will kill you. Take her to the cells and locker up with silver. No food or water. I'll be there to deal with you when I have time" he roared as to men with gigantic bodies came and carried her out of the room.

Jax came and took me out of the arms of his beta and cradled me to his chest as he sat down in his chair. "Please everyone sit and eat" he ordered kindly. He picked up my fork at began feeding me until my plate was all gone. Then he feed himself as I sat comfortably in his lap humming to some song.

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