Chapter 3

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Autumn days soon turned into winter days and snowy nights. The school year was moving fast, Marcel and Louis talked a lot in their astronomy class they had together. Each new thing he learned about Louis, the feeling grew worse, it was like Marcel was in love but he didn't want to believe it.

"Marcel, I'm failing this class." Louis said to him one day. "Could you please tutor me? You're really smart." Marcel looked at Louis and nodded, though he was wishing Louis would ask him to for awhile. "Anything for a friend, as long as your friends don't beat me up a lot." Marcel whispers. Louis nods, "I'll see what I can do." Marcel's eyes lit up. He thought about not getting bullied by the jocks and how much more he would enjoy school. "That would be great." Marcel says, pushing his glasses back into place and focusing on the teacher.

Marcel brought Louis back to his house after school. No one was home so it was quiet as they walked in. Marcel showed Louis his bedroom where they would study. They begin to study when Marcel noticed Louis staring blankly at his textbook. "I don't get this at all." He looks at Marcel with his eyes. Marcel just stares then snaps out of his thought and said, "it's easy. Jupiter is a gas giant, and earth is where we live."

"I get that but the Big Bang theory, I don't get it." Marcel looks at Louis and begins to explain to him in simple terms what the Big Bang was. Louis tried to focus on the words coming out of Marcel's mouth but he kept staring at Marcel's lips. He watched how they moved as he talked, he listened to his voice and how it was high. He looked at Marcel's green eyes as they locked with his. Louis felt something then, the same feeling Marcel was getting. Only neither of them knew it.

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