★★★★★ Villiany

147 19 11

I drew this for my mom for Christmas. We were a little tight on funds, so the only option is making something.

But I think my mom is getting freaked out how I never draw happy people. Happy people are over rated... and hard to draw. When I draw them, they always look like they are in pain.

I wanted to put a red streak over her eyes, but it looked funny. I tried to do that on PowerPoint, unless you're wondering how I undid the whole red streak. And my mom started screaming that it would make her look scarier and she already had to hide 2 pieces whenever my grandma comes over. She did not need another.

As you can probably see by the darkness and the gestural mark marking, I used a black pen to make this.

After I did the hair in ink, I shaded in the hair with a pencil. So there wouldn't be any weird white gaps.


♥ Jamie Edge

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