Tagged Again Damn It

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This is essentially almost exactly the same tag I got a month ago.

The heck are the creative chain mail makers?

1. I have a fear of fire, mosquitoes and volcanoes. Fire because my biggest fear that all my books burn... My eyes are prickling just thinking about it. Mosquitos because I hate them so much. I don't mind if they bite every inch of my body; just not the noise. I conveniently read a book that induced the fear of volcanos... while I was in New Zealand.

2. I collect various pieces of paper -- snippets of newspapers, brochures, business cards, posters, photographs -- and paste them on either my wall or my door.

3. I have over 500 books the last time I counted. Most of them are lented out to people I can't remember.

4. I should be doing work right now.

5. I look like a anime cartoon in a way. My hairs sticks up like Goku and my nose is very cute and squishy. To a point people come up to me and poke it.

6. My nervous habits include: drumming my fingers, pinching the skin of my clavicle and chronic leg jiggling.

7. I am the head of a extramural that I founded with two other people. That's the newspaper, fyi.

8. I have two cats that I love dearly... and want to kill.

9. I have a skew jaw. One side of my face my cheekbones are pronounced and the other I have a oval jaw shape.

10. Even though I am not British, I have a English accent. But weirdly enough, if I travel to another province/state/country, I come back sounding like a foreigner. And I don't even notice the fact I picked up the accent. It's weird.

11. My biggest book pet peeve is somebody trying to be better than the main character. And reoccurring protagonists.

12. Nobody is certain about what side of the fence I stand on, if you know what I mean.

13. My pseudonym, Jamie Edge, was a thought out decision. "Jamie" because that's what my parents were going to call me originally until stuff happened. And no, it wasn't mommy/daddy issues. They just found a more symbolic name. Then my pseudo surname "Edge" was formulated by my initials "E.D.J." If you say that like it's a word, it sounds like Edge.

The next poor f##kers who have to do this:
There is a possiblity I tagged the person who tagged me... oh well, I can't remember.
So I basically chose these people semi randomly. If I liked your profile picture or if I recognised your name, I tagged you. Don't take any of this personal.


Okay I checked. I did tag my tagger. Sorry, Nightwing!

By your going to have to do it again MWAHAHAHAHA 👿

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