15 Facts

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I was tagged by @33parkroad on her amazing book called Demigods Go To Hogwarts. Go and read it guys; from what I can see from the chapter I was tagged, it's well written and I hereby give it me stamp of approval.

I plan on reading it myself... when, I have no clue because I always get distracted.

1. I wear very thick glasses because I'm basically blind.

2. I wear something called a "blue blazer" at my school. It means that I achieve academically and stuff.

3. My real name is... nah, I'm not telling you.

4. I have big feet, long legs and a unmistakable sock and dress tan. No jokes. My upper thigh is a light brown, my calves are sunburned to the bone and my feet are an entirely different racial grouping than the rest of me.

5. I am allergic to nickel. If you see me wearing earings one day, you'll know what the next day I will have a scab. And I will be fiddling with it.

6. I could Jay board ever since I was 8 but I find the skateboard extremely difficult.

7. The scariest book I have ever read is called Dancing Jax. Books possess people. It's the real Armeggedon.

8. I tend ti be rude and mean, but I don't mean it. Lol. I don't mean to be mean but the mean of my life in me being mean. Omg, I just made a math/English joke. That's very bad.

9. I once saw a man commit suicide. When I was... I think it was 10. I was cooing over the local wide life and the view of city when a random bald, shirtless guy flings himself off the mountain. My mom took me away before I could see anything.
So that was depressing.

10. Although my face looks smooth at pimpleless let me reassure you that it is not; all my pimples are on the bridge of my nose, hiding underneath my glasses.

11. Even though nobody believes me when I tell them this, I am going to tell you. I can't read aloud. My brain is so used to reading internally that when I externalise it comes out garbled and incorrect.

12. I want a tattoo of my favourite line of all time: In order to create we must destroy. This line has gotten me out of a lot of dark spots. It gives me hope that all the degradation of my soul is for the better, will allow me to reconstruct myself into a better person. It tells me that, yes sacrifices will be made. But good things will come out of it.

13. I am obsessed with colour coding. My tasks manager is colour coded, my book covers are colour coded, the sections I have divided my file up are colour coded, my high lighters are ordered in a certain hierachy by which I use them, all my notes are colour coded, the school newspaper that I design for is colour coded, my calendar is colour coded, my timetable is colour coded... heck, my entire life is colour coded. My life is more colourful than the rainbow's life. Sometimes I don't even noticed that I'm colour coding it before someone tells me. Actually, I just noticed this: all my properly written pieces on Wattpad are black. Their colours are black and a primary colour. 😰 I am a control freak. I denied it before because my room is a mess but I see it now: all my books are ordered alphabetically and according to whether I have read them or not. I have two sets of colour coded pens; one for my note books and one for my study books. My CDs are stacked according to how much I listen to them. I hierarchically order all my school files. I sicken myself.

14. I have lived in high ceiling roofs for my entire life. Never properly lived in a normal height house.

15. I am going to be on TV for 3 weeks, beginning in 2 weeks time. I'm not going to tell where though or why. Hehehe. Deal with it.




As you can see, I have tagged and you are obligated by the decree of the Law of Tagging to tell the world 15 facts about yourself that nobody cares about.

You are allowed to do this in the comments section -- I understand how doing a tag on a chapter is such a shlep and that not all of you have a story to publish on.

And if this is the second time I have tagged... well, you're just unlucky. Or have such an amazing profile/name that I wouldn't resist clicking you for the second time.

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