I've been tagged, sadly

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Yes, tragically, I have been forced to post something as meaningless as a tagged post *sigh*. I will be assissinating the tagger after this.

Jokes, HazelLevasqueZhang, I'll just rip your teeth out *smiles brightly*. Because I know how much a pain teeth can be. I have braces, you see. And a skew jaw. And so much pain.

(Don't worry Hazel, I secretly wanted to do one of these for a long time. But don't tell anyone or I will have to assassinate myself. But not before I assassinate the person you told. And then the petson they told. And then the person they told. And etcetera and etcetera.)

To make up for this useless post, I will be posting something immediately afterwards! Something with a ★★★★★ rating, just to get you excited.

If you want to mention your own favourite, go ahead and comment. LET'S LET THE TORTURE COMMENCE:

Favourite Song?
I have so many favourite songs, really. One is a James Bond theme song by Alicia Keys and Jack White called Another Way To Die.

Another one is You're Going Down by Sick Puppies. If you're not into heavy metal and punk pop, I suggest you don't play this.

And the last one is Upside Down & Inside Out by Ok Go. The only reason I like this song is the music video. It was filmed IN ACTUAL ZERO GRAVITY. If you don't believe me, you can look up how they did it yourself.

Favourite Sports?
*pushes gigantic nerd glasses up nose*
There's all the exercise I need today.

Favourite Band?
No question, it has to be My Chemical Romance and AFI.

Favourite Show?
My top 3 would have to be: The Flash, Project Runway and the 100.

Favourite Movie?
Kingsmen: The Secret Service, U.N.C.L.E. and About Time.

Favourite Colour?
(Yes, I use the British spelling, you over complicated Americans)
Yellow... Blue... Red... I like the primary colours.

Favourite Food?
Chicken Peta and this weird pulled pork burger I once ate at a market...
When I think about stringy food my molars always ache. I think I'm remembering how chewy the meat was on Christmas... It makes me sad that my mouth hurts when I think of something so delicious.

Favourite Drink?
Lime + Sparkling Lemonade = ??? SOMETHING I LIKE
Iced coffee.

Favourite Video Game?
Wii fencing. It allows me to violently whack vitual foes.

Tag 10 People
No. I refuse to force this responsibility of a tag on anyone else. I hate it when awesome people with amazing stories who haven't un-updated posts BLOODY "I was tagged!!" CHAPTERS!!!! I MUST FIGHT THIS SCRURGE OF WATTPAD!!!!!!! *bares braced teeth*

(Pease don't notice how I have posted one of those "I was tagged!!" chapters. I know I am a hypocrite. I like to think of this as irony. Find the humour it *bares teeth again*)


♥ Jamie Edge

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