The Mist Part One

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Prologue part one.


Change is hard. Some don't like it, some are afraid of it. Others, it's forced upon. Looking back, I should have seen the early signs. Back before the mist. When I started going through it, it was like hitting puberty all over again, only spanned over two weeks instead of a few years. It first started with air seeming to always be blowing around me. Even if it wasn't a windy day, there was always a breeze. Then my back started to hurt as a lump started growing on it. Over the two weeks, it got bigger and bigger until the fourteenth day when it finally burst and two fuzzy things about as long as my arms burst out. I think it was one of the most painful things that I've ever been through. Luckily I was home alone, but I'm sure someone heard my screaming as the police later showed up. When my mom came home to see my bedroom absolutely wrecked, with blood everywhere, it was the last straw. She gave me an hour to pack my stuff and leave. She had been looking for a reason to kick me out ever since I brought my first girlfriend home.

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