The Mist Part Three

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Prologue part three


A wisp of mascara, painted nails, pierced ears. It doesn't mean you're any less of a person just because you don't conform to others norms. No one deserves to be judged based on the color of their skin, their sexuality, or their gender. Just because me on the outside does not match me on the inside, doesn't mean I am any less than the rest of you. I was born the wrong gender and I can't change that now. My parents say that nothing has changed. That they still love me just as much, but I see it. When they think I can't hear, they talk about it. When they think I can't see they wear a look of disgust. They can't deal with the fact that I want to be a different sex. That the child God gave them is imperfect. Damaged. A disappointment.
The mist for me started with a constant ringing in my ears. As if there was a new frequency of sound my brain was trying to understand. Then I began hearing double, the words someone was saying would appear to me before they had actually left the persons mouth. That was weird, but I just figured it was from the normal teenage sleep deprivation. Soon I got words that were never spoken, only thought. This created a lot of awkward "What's?" And "I didn't say anythings." On the final day of the second week everyone's voices filled my head giving me migraines. I couldn't hear anything but the loudly thought thoughts of the people around me.

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