I wanna marry you (artem)

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Hi guys.. my name is Jules and for the last 3 years I am dating Artem.. You know him.. he is a pro at "dancing with the stars". I am a YouTuber and I have been one for like 7 years.. And now I am like 21 years old.. Yes I have started my YouTube channel when I was like 14.. The main theme of my channel is motivational speaking.. Anyway.. It is season 19 of Dwts and they asked me to participate too.. Guess with whom I've been paired with? Yeah my baby, Artem.. How cool is that? not cool at all.. I hate when a guy tells me what to do.. Artem knows it and our rehearsals are all about ordering me what to do.. So yeah things are pretty bad.. Anyway it is week 5 and we have a team dance.. Our team is me and Artem, val and Janel, Derek and Bethany, Emma and Michael (I don't remember their names so I just named them this way.. Sorry!) Anyway it was 6 in the morning and I had to wake up and get ready to go to the rehearsals..
"good morning baby" he told me as I was getting down the stairs and getting into the kitchen where he was drinking his coffee.. "morning" I answered very quietly as I was still very very sleepy..
" hey you have to get ready.. In 10 minutes we are leaving. OK? " he asked me and If looks could kill he would be already dead.. After I drank my coffee I entered our bedroom and got dressed for our rehearsal.. "baby come on" he called for me from downstairs.. Ugh, I am gonna kill you!! "I'm coming" I called back and took my mobile phone with me and left.. I got out of the house I saw him already sitting in the car.. He was driving us there again.. I wanted to drive too.. For once.. But he wouldn't let me. Wanna know why? Because he bought a new car and for the time being nobody was allowed to get near his car. I got in the car and we started. I decided to do a little video for my channel
"good morning guys.. How are you? I know it's a little early but we have a dance rehearsal.. We have team dance this week and we are dancing freestyle.. But I don't know the song yet.." I was telling when artem cut me off "and if you know the song please don't tell it.. It's a surprise"
"and this sums up our routine.. OK love you guys and please don't forget to vote for us.. Love yaaaa so much and thank you very much for your support! " I ended the video when we arrived at the studios.. Today we would be working on our solos.. But there was a thing.. Derek had an idea that the male pros would exchange partners for a little while. So I would be with Derek, Bethany with val and Janel with Artem.. The routine was pretty awesome but then bad things start to happen.. The males were supposed to lift us and flip us over their shoulder... Derek was ready to flip me over and as I was ready to land perfectly I lost my balance and fell on my back and I hit my head..
"baby? Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" artem panicked but I couldn't answer because I was still a little dizzy..
"my back.. It.. Hurts.. To.. Breathe.. " I tried to speak but is hurt.. A lot
"oh my God Jules I am really sorry.." Derek started apologizing but I couldn't get mad at him.. It wasn't his fault.. I should have been the one to make sure that I would do a good landing..
"Derek it's OK.. Don't worry" I tried to calm him down but is was difficult.. He was guilty.. After 20 minutes the ambulance arrived and they took me to the hospital.. I went alone as the guys had to finish their routine..


They took Jules to the hospital and all I could do is stay here and finish our rehearsal.. As long as Jules was at the hospital I would be rehearsing with Mary ( I named her.. I don't even know what I am doing..).. Everything was going perfect.. Then my phone rang.. It was Jules.
"guts turn off the music" I told them "hey baby.. How are you?? " I asked her
" I am fine.. Doctor told me that I should stay here for today and tomorrow I could leave the hospital.. And also tomorrow I can return to the rehearsal.. And if I feel any pain I should take a pain killer.. I wasnt anything serious.. Fortunately" she was telling me.. "thank god you are OK.. You scared me a lot you know.. OK so after I finish my rehearsal I will come to the hospital.. OK?" I asked her and then waited for her answer.. I knew that she would protest telling me that I should go home and rest but no.. "pfff.. OK.. Oh and tell Derek not to feel guilty.. It wasn't his fault.. I was the one who didn't make the landing.. Ok"
"OK.. I love you baby"
" I love you too" the call ended and as I was putting my phone back in my pocket I saw the guys who were waiting for me to inform turnabout her situation.. So I decided to stop torturing them and told them "she is fine.. Tomorrow she will be able to return to the rehearsals.. Oh and she told me to tell you Derek that you shouldn't feel guilty.. She was the one who couldn't make the landing.. So stop torturing your self OK?"
"ok" he told me and then we returned to our routine.... For the last month I was thinking about proposing to her.. Like for real.. I love her so much and I couldn't think of a romantic way to do it.. And then i found this chance to do it.. We would be dancing freestyle to the song I wanna marry you by Bruno Mars.. It was a cool song.. And it was the most suitable song for what I was supposed to do..
"guys I have this awesome idea.. What if in the end of the routine the guys will kneel down and have this box with will contain a ring as if we are proposing to them.. But in only one there will be a ring"

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