which week he realises he has feelings for you

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With Derek you had developed a great chemistry from the minute you stepped in that studio. Week after week you realised that you had some feelings for him. You didn't want to tell him anything for the sake of the show and for that sake of your friendship. This all changed during the week 5. You would be dancing contemporary and as Derek told you this was the dance that showed your vulnerability. You never liked feeling vulnerable. You always wanted to feel safe so that's why you have been struggling with this dance.
"hey girl what's up? " Derek asked you
"nothing.. Everything is great.. " you replied
"apparently something is wrong if you struggle with the routine. You have done more difficult routines and you were great now what? " he asked you again. He was stubborn
"it's just that you told me that when you dance contemporary you show how vulnerable you are and I hate feeling vulnerable. I hate it.. I felt vulnerable before and I have done everything I can to get over that phase.. I cannot just go back there even for a few minutes... " I finally confessed with tears in my eyes. He didn't tell me anything, he just came and hugged me and he kissed me on the forehead. That week was the dance of your life and Derek made you feel safe...

Nobody said that you were the greatest when it came to dance. When you agreed to go to Dancing with the stars you had to get over this insecurity and be confident. You had a great teacher and you were sure that everything would be alright if you just believed it. The last 2 weeks even though you had great scores you were in jeopardy and last week things went the wrong way. You were last on the leading board and you felt dissapointed not for you.. You knew you weren't good at dancing but for Mark. He tried so hard and you felt bad.. You were in the skybox waiting to go downstairs to hear the results when you decided to go to him
"hey Mark.. "
"hey babe what's up?  What's wrong?"
"I am sorry... Really" I apologised
"what for? You didn't do anything wrong"
"I am sorry for disappointing you.. I am sorry for us being last tonight and in jeopardy.. You tried so hard during these weeks and I feel like I am letting you down.. "
"if anybody should feel dissapointed it's me. I am the choreographer and I should be the one to see if you could keep up with the routine or not. If not I should have changed it so no. I won't allow you to feel dissapointed.. "
"okay.. "
Then he hugged me.. We went downstairs and we waited for the results. Mark had his hands around your waist not listening what was happening around him. He was in his own world thinking about your talk earlier and realising how special you really are and that he was lucky that he had met you.

Val was really protective of you during the show and out of it. He had taken an immediate liking at you when you first met but he never realised that this liking would go on a different level. It was week 4 and you were at your rehearsal for your team dance. You had a great team with pros full of ideas and imagination. You were rehearsing when they has the idea that at the end of the routine you would do a backflip. Yes backflip were good when you were on the ground. They thought it would be cool if they lifted you and then you would do a backflip. That scared you. It took you about 3 weeks to trust val to lift you and now you had to trust 3 guys to catch you. Val saw your inner struggle
"hey.. What's wrong? "
" I am afraid of falling.. It is a big lift.." I admitted..
"hey I won't let you fall.. Never.. Trust me.. "
"I trust you.. It's them I don't.. "
"it will be OK.. I won't let you fall even if I have to fall down and you fall down on me.. "
he convinced me to do the flip.. I just knew everything would go wrong and it did. When I was going down nobody was there to catch except for val. In the very last minute..
"hey hey I got you.. "
"I will always catch you.. Please remember it. "
"I will val.. "
When you were falling down and he realised that nobody was there to catch you he got afraid.. It was you the girl that he liked.. Liked?

Being maks' partner was the most difficult you have ever done in your life... he is a big russian teddy bear who sometimes got really mad and he would snap on anybody who crossed his road.. even though his tough character you somehow made it work.. you didn't get on his nerves and he tried not to be too upset about anything outside the show.. easier said than done.. really! It was during week 3 at the disney night that he snapped at you... it wasn't something you did.. he got frustrated about a lot of things and you were the unlucky one who got snapped... but it was bad.. really really bad.. he mentioned that you were in jeopardy and that meryl wouldn't have done it... in that special moment something broke in you and you started crying.. you left the studio wanting to be alone... as soon as you started crying something broke in maks too.. he hated that he made you cry.. not only because you were his partner but because he had feelings that he didn't want to admit.. after 10 minutes being on your own you heard the door opening.. you knew it was maks. He entered and he sat next to you on the floor
"I am really sorry for snapping at you.. it wasn't fair... I got mad at myself and I got afraid that I would disappoint you and your fans... this is a great deal for me.. and I ruined it by snapping at you.. I am really sorry baby girl" he told and then he kissed me on the head..

When they asked you to be on dancing with the stars you were excited mainly because you are like the biggest fan of the show. You never thought you would be partnered with Artem.. he is so gentle and patient with you and he treated you right.. whoever told that chivalry died, is lying.. he was there for you whenever you needed him like a great friend would.. that was what you thought of him but for him things were slightly different.. he was in love with you... this happened a couple of weeks ago, during the rehearsal for your most memmorable year
"This week is about your most memorable year... " he told you when he entered the studio
"My most memorable year was propably 2010.. it was the year during which my life fell apart.. I was in love with a guy since school and we suddenly started dating but then I found out that this whole dating thing was fake and it was a bet which he apparently won.. I was ready to give up everything just for him... I know it was foolish but I was a teenager and I didn't know what I was doing..." I started tearing as I was talking when I felt being hugged and I started crying..
"Shh.. hey I am pretty sure that out there is a guy who is absolutely in love with you, ad he will make you happy" I heard him say
"Artem after this I stopped thinking that my happiness will depend on a guy... I am happy with the little things in life..." I told him honestly
"Trust me baby girl when he will come in your life, you will be truly happy and you won't have to worry about anything..."
Well he knew what he was talking about... this guy who made me happy was him...

I know it is a bit crappy but I had an awful writer's block.. I am sorry for not posting earlier.. love ya guys... send me requests... thank you very much for the support..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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