how you two met (preference)

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You actually met him through Julianne. This is what actually happened.. You were the older sister of the girl who was doing Josh duhamel's daughter. You were driving your little sister on the set of the movie and you fast befriended Julianne. She was a person with whom you got along immediately as you realised you had a lot in common. So when the movie was finished you promised each other that you wouldn't lose contact and you didn't. A month later was the premiere of the movie. Julianne went there with her fiance and her brother and you went there with your family. As you were going Inside The movie theatre when Julianne introduced the two of you. Your seats were next to each other and let's just say you didn't watch the movie. But you were actually very grateful that your sister got this role and you met julianne and Derek!

You were a dance teacher at one of the dance schools that the chmerkovskiy brothers had.. You loved dancing and you loved the kids so you decided to combine your two loves.. And it was like the luck was on your side that day. You found an announcement that one dance school was looking for a teacher to teach the kids and you decided to go. What was the worse scenario? When you got there you realised whose dance school it was. They were pros who danced at dwts and you were just you.. A simple girl who loved dancing. You had to do your best... And you did. At the end of the day you left that school with a job and a man for your life.

You were Meryl's best childhood friend. When you were a child you used to ice skate too but an injury just made you stop what you loved.. Instead you got a job in a company.. You loved your job even though there were days that you got home tired. You were excited when Meryl told you that she would be on dwts and you were even more excited when you found out who her partner was. You had a huge crash on maksim since the first season that he participated in the show. Come on he is like a huge teddy bear and who couldn't just have a crush on him.. It was the final and Meryl did it. She went to the finals.. And you were there to support her as always. She had to do it.. She went way to far to lose now and she did it. She won.. It was at the party that she organised that everything changed your life. Meryl decided to introduce her best friend to her partner. You were super nervous because you were about to meet your crush. Things were kind of awkward in the beginning but then you found out you had a lot of things in common.. The next day you invited you for a coffee and the rest is history.
With artem things were a little complicated.. You have known each other since you were little kids.. You grew up together as your houses were near.. He may be like 7 years older than you but this never stopped neither of you to form a friendship.. After a couple of years artem's passion for dance got a lot bigger and he decided to chase his dream.. Unfortunately you wererft behind but you always supported him and you never left his back.. As the years passed you lost communication.. He became a famous dancer and you were the CEO of a huge company.. One day you decided to visit your parents and there was a surprise for you.. Artem was back. You went for a dinner and you caught up to everything that had actually happened the past years...

You were an upcoming actress and your manager decided that it could be great if you played in a music video.. You didn't know anything about the singer and you found out everything for last day. It would a music video for one of Mark ballas'song. You were supposed to be his love interest. As the days passed you formed a god friendship with Mark and since you had a lot if chemistry together both of your fans decided that it would be cool If they shipped you.. A week after the release of the music video mark called you and asked you to go out with him.. You accepted and what happened after that.. You just have to guess.

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