I will always love you #artem

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This is a request for @ilovecutehotboys
Hope you like it..

I have been fan of dwts since the very beginning and I always wanted to go but I couldn't due to my hectic schedule with my tour. But now finally my time has come. Last week I received an invitation and I was more than excited to accept the invitation. And I am not one of this people who are like "I don't care which dancer I will be partnered with..".. No way. Since season 19 I have always been telling that I want to be partnered with Artem. I mean.. Have you seen him? He is so hot. You must be blind to not notice how hot he is. Tommorow I should meet my partner and start practicing our routine.. I am looking forward to it.

Last night I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep from the excitement. But no I slept for about 4 hours and now I regret it. I got ready and headed to the studios. I found finally the right studio and when I got in I saw 3 people.. I supposed that the 2 of them were the crew and the 3rd one was.. Artem. I was partnered with Artem..
"OH MY GOD" I started squealing but I couldn't help it..
"hey you must be my partner right? Helena? " he asked me and then smiled at me. Oh his smile..
"yeah that's me and I am so happy that you are my partner" I told him as we were getting ready for our first dance which was quickstep.. Pretty hard for the first week but I am sure we will work it out..

Artem's pov
It is the beginning of season 22 and I am so happy that I will be again on the show. They told me that my partner was Helena and I was happy and excited to spend the next 3 months hopefully together here.. She is so beautiful both on the inside and outside. I was discussing some issues with the crew when I heard a squealing and I turned around. She was there, Helena. She is just perfect. After talking for a few minutes we started practising the quickstep. The difficult part of this dance was the posture. And she is so perfect that she kept the right posture.
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With every week she was getting better and better and our chemistry was getting better and better and so were my feelings towards her. Yeah! I admit it. I am in love with her but for the sake of the show I had to hide my feelings. But who knew that all these would change this week?

Helena's pov
So far we are doing pretty well. Last week we had our first 10s from Carrie Ann and Bruno. We had to work harder to achieve a perfect 40 and I was determined to make it. The previous weeks me and Artem created this awesome chemistry between us but things got a little bit complicated on the way. I may or may not crash on him. Buy I am not sure when I feel for him. Last week we had the team dance and I got really jealous when he danced with another pro. I got jealous. All my friends tell me that I may be falling for him.. Hard. But this can't be happening right? I mean it may be against the rules. But on the other hand, you may develop some feelings for your partners as long as it won't be turned into something else. OK I am bubling.. Sorry, nervousness got me. Anyway this week is the switch up week and I am nervous because I don't know who I will be partnered with but most importantly I don't know who will be with Artem and it drives me crazy. I just arrived at the studios and as I enter I don't see anyone but then mark jumped out of nowhere and scared me
"shit! Ballas you scared me" I complained and then I hugged him. He hugged me back
"it was really funny and I am not sorry" he told me. Of course he wouldn't be sorry.
"OK! So what are we dancing this week?" I asked him! I just got really curious
"something that will make Artem jealous! Burlesque." he answered me and I didn't know how to react. Ok so the issue here is that me and Ballas made a song together in the past and from that moment we became best friends which reminds a brother-sister kind of relationship. That means that he can read all my emotions and my thoughts. This is how he may know something about artem
"what? " I asked surprised. I didn't know why.  For that dance or for that fact that he knew about Artem.
"yeah!  But don't worry. He was paired with Amber and they will be dancing contemporary. So don't worry!" he reassured me and although it may seem strange it calmed me down a lot.
"OK you know that it just became creepy that whole "I am reading you" thing! " he didn't answer and that means that things just got serious. During our rehearsals there were times where we got upset because we couldn't make a move. Fortunately we had the perfect routine for for tonight. During the last week me and Artem talked a lot and he was asking me about my dance because apparently he didn't know what we were dancing

Artem's POV
Today is the live and I will finally find out what mark and Helena will be dancing! As I was getting ready I received a text message from her "good luck". It may sound cliche but these two words gave me the motivation to make it perfect just for her. Firstly it was our turn and then it was theirs. Our contemporary was good and we scored 36 out of 40 which was pretty good. Now it was her turn. Just as the music started I immediately knew what the would be dancing, burlesque. Karma is a bitch. F**k she is good and Mark is keeping his hands to himself when they aren't needed. It should have been me down there dancing with her! I think I just got jealous of their dance! But I am right! It's a freaking burlesque, propably the most sexy dance ever. Nobody should be dancing this with her except for me. She is my girl. They got pretty good comments. She got up at the skybox and I ran at her and hugged her and I whispered in her ear "you were pretty amazing tonight" and she giggled. Yeah.. I just fell for her and I must tell her before I get friend-zoned! They got 38 out of 40! I think they deserved it! The live ended and I was waiting for her to leave so that I could talk to her!  There she was! She saw me and she came to me.
"hey" she greeted me and hugged me
"hey! Congratulations for today!" I congratulated her and she blushed! She was so cute!
"thanks! You were good too! How come we never danced contemporary?" she asked me as we started heading towards her car
"I will come up with something for this week! Look I have to tell you something very important" I stopped and i saw that this caught her attention and I decided to continue "from the very first day that I saw you at the studio I realised that I may be falling for you! I was just denying it! Tonight I guess I gust accepted that I am in love with you! No different you don't feel the same then we will have a huge problem because it will be ready awkward and.." I would continue if she didn't cut me off by kissing me! Immediately I kissed her back! After a few moments we stopped and she told me "I am in love with you too"

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