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Nony pov

Its been two long weeks and I havn't herd from Chris or Kneta. Tony wont tell me or Keya where they went. All he keep saying is that they had to go take care of somethinfs and they'll be back.

We picked up their work at school so they didn't fall behind.

I know Chris is ok and Kenta but I just wish they would come home or Tony would really tell us whats going on.

Everyday Keya takes me out to this field and shows me how to control my wolf. At first it was hard as hell and it did hurt a little to change. But on the five day I meet my wolf she was so cute. I was all black with a one white paw on my left hand. I write with that hand so was a little cute. My eyes were a little darker so the were a dark almost black purple color. I thought I was just the little cute thing.

I even got to see what Keyas wolf looked like. She was a black and brown wolf that had small weavy in her far. Dark yellew eyes and had a the most cute noise.

I ask about the boyz wolf and she told my that yheir wolves was a lot bigger the our. That all male wolves was bigger then females. She then why and all the pro's ond con's about being a male and female wolf.

So I guess because Tony is a wolf that why he acts the way he do when when something small happens to Keya. But ecern tho we see it as something small, he see's it as something big and gets mad. I know the life of Tony know lol.

I learn so much over the two weeks but the more I learned the more my wolf keep telling me to go fine Chris.

Oooh!!!! How I missed Chris and Kneta I just wish they well come home.

Chris pov

Its been way to long away from Nony and my wolf keep trying to kick my ass to go get her and just bring her home. But its not safe so I can't. My hirthday came and gone so I'm now of age and can take over my fathers packs.

I dont know why Rave didnt take the pack over when he was here. But he killed my father, kentas parents, and two othed rankes. So the pack was open for grabs until my coming of age. I just dont understand what the hell the man wants.

But I havnt herd from him in two weeks but I know his not done. He is after Nony now and I have to take care of the pack brfore I can go be to her.

Raves little friends burned down some homes and stores. But when I order some new supplies and get peolpe settled back in. I'll go back

Today was the big day me and Kenta was going back to kill Rave and to get Nony.

We left the pack in the hands of my new co-beta for now and left im the morning back to Nony.

It was dark when we got home. But I wasnt tried I had to go see Nony I know shes mad at me for leaving but I going to tell her why.

It was around one in the morning when I got over there. I knock on the door but she didnt answer. So I went to her window. I looked in and seen she was watching a movie in her with the lights off. On knock on the window and when she turned to look she almost jump out of her skin.

I couldnt hold back the laugh from coming out. She open the window and sgart to yell at me.

"What the fuck do you think your doing pervert and where the hell have you been dont think you can just leave and come back like........" I cut he off when I took her lips into mine.

I pulled way to like at her" i so sorry baby but if you every wont to know I will tell you but first can I come in" i said given her my puppy eyes.

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