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So sorry that last chapter i didnt have it all together so that is what took me so long to post lol so sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!


Chris pov

Waking up next to felt good but wrong at that same time. I mated Nony and she doesnt even know. My wolf got the best of me and took contral over the hole thing.

"Yeah but i know your happy that Nonys ours so stop acting like you dont like it" chris wolf said

"Shut up i dont want to here you right now"

" Why so mad at me you wanted this as much as i did"

"Didnt i just tell your ass to shut the fuck up. God i feel bad i feel like i rapped her took her against her will. And all you can say is to be happy there is nothing good about this we didnt ask her."


"Hey are you listening to me"

"You told me to stop talking to you so I am Mr. Big bad Alpha"

"God sometimes i cant stand your ass"

I mad my way to Kentas house he was packing up his house.

"Hey Kenta need any help"

"No im good im almost done with everything. But im ready for all this shit to be over and dont with man. I want to go home to my girl and start my new family man."

"Yeah i know man soon very soon man"

Nonys pov

Waken up with out Chris by me side i felt bad and a little of regret. Wait waht!!!!! Regret why should i be feeling that???

As soon as i got up a pain shoot throw my neck. I went to look at it and seen that i a bit mark on my neck. I was tender to the tough but didnt really hurt.

After getting dress i called Keya over.

As we sat in my room i told her everything as soon as i told her about me and Chris and the bit mark on my neck. She started jumping up and down.


"WAIT WHAT!!!! what does that mean mated"

It means that.....will let me put it this way. You and Chris are like married. See when Chris and you bit each other you shared blood that connected you to Chris and Chris to you. So you two are bonded for life. He can feel everything you feel and always know where to fine you. And you can always feel how he feels and know where to fine him. OMG Nony im so happy for you"

"So are you and Tony bonded together"

"No me and Tony was waiting till school was over then we was going to get bonded"

"Keya you say that we can feel each others feeling right"

"Yea...why whats up Chris sending some feeling your way lol"

"Mmmm....idk but stay here i have to go to the bathroom ok brb"

As soon as i got to the bathroom. I almost whated to cry. I wasnt regretting what Chris and i didnt but i now know that Chris did he regretted being boned to me. As soon as i try to reach out to him. A feeling hit me like a brick wall. It was so hard that i fell to the ground. When i got up i didnt feel sad or regret i felt like myself i walk back to my room.

"Hey Keya if your connected to some one can you also block them out."

"Yea...why...ohh no Nony dont try to block Chris out. I'll just end up hurtiin him. He'll feel it and it wont feel good. It will be like hitting a brick wall. And it takes a lot of power to do it you will just end up hurting youself too!"

"Oooh im not Keya ok i was just asking"

"Good.....will i have to go Tony needs my help with something...heycome over later and ill show you some fun thinfs about being a wolf"

"That sounds fun ok just call me love"

After Keya left i felt bad not telling her about Chris blocking me out. I layed on my bed and just cryed myself to sleep. I just cant beleave Chris really didnt love me. I didnt understand why he was regretting me maybe its not me. Maybe it was not being able to save his dad. I really hope thats the case.

Sorry so short but i hope its all good comment vote please thanks


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