Rage And Love

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I stepped into the house cautiously afraid of what was to come. I slipped off my shoes and began my trip upstairs to my room. Just as I reached the stairwell I had a sudden thirst. I decided to risk it and go in for a soda but as soon as I turned the corner I regretted it because, standing there waiting for me was me Uncle Casey. "Knew you couldn't resist a soda after school. So, what took you so long?" He asked as casual as ever. "Well I made a new friend and I thought we would walk home together so I could get a better feel for the town." I said, hoping to avoid the real reason I walked home. "A friend? Cuz from the phone call I received earlier made it sound more like you made a few enemies." "Well yeah," I replied with my head down, "a few of those too." He pulled out the chair beside him and gestured for me to sit. "Tell me what happened." He said. So, I retold the story once more and when I was finished, I waited for my punishment. "A boy?" You got in a fight over a boy?" My Uncle Casey sounded shocked so I defensively replied, "Yeah it was cuz of a boy. Why is there a problem with that? He's nice and he's my new friend and that girl was being a total bitch anyways. She started it and I had to end it. Its not MY fault the boy she likes wants to be my friend." My Uncle Casey just looked at me for a while and then he said, "Well, does this boy have a name?"

I told my uncle all about my day and Joey, Sara, and the boys. When I was finally finished he said, "Look. By no means are you off the hook because you Aunt is gonna ask about those bruises. On the other hand, if you mention the boy and actually act like a girl...She might 'forget' about this mishap." He was right. My Aunt Brenda would forget almost anything if I would just act like a girl every now and then. So, I new what I had to do and I was not at all prepared to do it. Casey told me to go up to my room and do my homework and chores while we waited for Aunt Brenda to come home so I grabbed my things and walked up. I instantly closed the door and began my work. About an hour later when I was finished, I heard the door. I looked out the window and seen Aunt Brenda's car parked in the driveway. She was home early. Her footsteps grew close as she approached my room and, when she did, she leaned in the doorway and said, "Your Uncle says you have something you need to tell me." She slowly closed the door behind her and approached my bed. Aunt Brenda sat down.

I told her everything from beginning to end but this time with more of a crush on Joey to satisfy her. "And then," I finished, "he walked me home and asked if he could call me tomorrow." I said it so girly, so unlike me. Aunt Brenda ate it up. "Sammi! This boy sounds so nice! I can't wait to meet him and you tell him of course he can call you tomorrow! Don't worry sweetie you're going to have so much fun!" She smiled back at me as she walked out the door saying "Dinner will be done in five minutes so be ready!" Thus, five minutes later I headed downstairs to eat and after that I got a text. It was from Joey.

'Hey :) Still wanna hang tomorrow??'

'Of course!' I replied to him.

'Great! So....Drum lessons at my place right after school?'

I ran downstairs almost tripping on my own feet to ask and of course, Aunt Brenda said that was fine. She told me I had to be home by 5 oclock for dinner. That gave me and Joey two hours and I was content with that.

'Your place is fine but gotta be home by 5'

I replied to him and he ended the conversation by saying

'Cool its a date then! See you tomorrow....Night :)'

Its a date. It was a date! Not a real date of course but it was still a date and I couldn't wait to tell Jazz. I went to bed with the biggest smile ever that night and I couldn't wait for my drum lessons with Joey.

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