Who Am I? Who Are You!

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Hey there! My name is Sammi and I'm 16 years old. I know I kinda just asked who you are but the truth is....This is the journal of MY life and I don't really care who you are! Sorry, but my mom told me to be honest. Anyways, like I was saying I'm 16 years old and I USED to live in Chicago. Not anymore. Turns out there's nothing left for my family in Chicago so we packed up and moved to Cali. I hate it. I'm not the greatest at making friends and you could say I've always been the loser. But then, it doesn't matter if you're a loser, it just matters how good you are at it as my idol, Billie Joe Armstrong, would say. If you look at my life from Billie's eyes....I must be pretty successful considering I was the biggest loser at my school.

Billie has always been my idol. He's the biggest inspiration I've got and he inspired me to pick up a guitar. If it weren't for him and his music, I wouldn't be here right now. That's the only postive part of moving to California...I'm gonna be living in the same town Billie grew up in. Maybe one day I'll even be lucky enough to meet him, Mike, amd Tré! All I want to do is tell them 'thank you.' That band is my life, as much as it is theirs! So, until the day I meet them, I'm stuck living my boring, loser life and going to school. I guess I'll try to make friends but I've never been good at that. Who needs school anyways? It's just practice for the future and even though practice makes perfect, nobody's perfect so why even practice! Oh that's right. Because I have a mom who makes me go because she doesn't even remotely see life how I do. Tomorrow will be a living hell, my first day, sophmore year, in the middle of the year, at a new school. Wish me luck...I'm gonna need it!


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