Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

I stood in front of the university building and sighed; another year at Uni. I grabbed my bags out of the car and trudged up to my assigned dorm room. I slid my key into the slot and opened the door, throwing my bags on the floor. Before I got the chance to close the door, my best friend Louis launched himself at me and wrestled me into a hug.


 "Hey Lou." He sat on one of the beds. "How was your summer?" I asked, sweeping my hair to the side out of my face.

"Alright. Filled with work. How about you?" He asked, resting his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Worked most of the summer.." I replied, sitting next to him on the bed and he sighed.

"What work do you mean?" I looked at him from under my hair, trying to act confused.  "Tyler work?" Concern filled his tone and I turned my head, nervously chewing on my bottom lip. Louis was so protective of me when it came to my other side job. "Harry! You need to quit with him. He's trouble. He-"

 "I owe him Louis! I can't just back out..."I trailed off, wanting to drop the topic. Louis sighed and nodded. There was a long silence. 

"Did you try to talk to Liam...." He asked cautiously, putting a hand in my arm. I wanted a subject change, but not to this.

 "No." I shook my head and looked down at my hands. You see, Liam Payne was my boyfriend for 6 years; since we were freshman in high school. When Uni came around, we ended up going to two different schools. During our freshman year, our relationship was rocky but when summer came around it got better. But then last year, our sophomore year, I had flown out to surprise Liam during spring break. I caught him in the act of cheating on me. I was left heartbroken and had flown back to where Louis was, spending the rest of the break crying to him. Of course, he understood and tried to cheer me up the best he could.  Even though it happened 5 months ago, I was still hurting.

 "Good. He doesn't deserve you, Haz; what he did was terrible. You're too good for him." Louis said, hugging me. "And come on, we need Mr. Party king." I hugged him back, feeling tears sting my eyes at the thought of Liam.

 "Uh...hi." My head shot up in the direction of the voice to find someone standing in the doorway and the tears were gone. The boy standing in the doorway had dirty blonde hair that was in a messy quiff and he was wearing khakis with a white tank top that cut halfway down his sides, exposing his skin. His muscles were huge.... My heart was racing and it suddenly felt like the room was getting really warm... There was a nudge in my side and I realized I didn't reply.

 "Hello." I said, trying to calm my voice.

 "Which one of you is Harry Styles?" The boy asked and I raised my hand with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Niall Horan, your room mate."

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