Chapter 8

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*WARNING: Some material in this chapter may be triggering for some readers!*

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Niall's POV:

Harry pressed his lips to mine and instantly, a bunch of thoughts popped into my head. I wanted this, me and him, so much. But if he really was a drug dealer and into all that stuff how did I know that he wouldn't just be another Zayn. Wait... He did protect me against Zayn... he defended me, fought for me. I made my decision. I kissed back and he smiled into the kiss. Harry pulled back and his cheek started to turn pink.

"I've wanted to do that for a while.." He said, biting his lip. I smiled and nodded, feeling my own cheeks burn.

 "Me too..." He kissed me again, putting his hands on the sides of my face. 

"I wanna try something else." He said, pulling back and grabbing my hand. "Let me make you feel good." I looked into his pleading eyes and nodded. A huge smile spread across his face and he pulled me in for another kiss, gently laying me on my back. He straddled my hips and I ran my hands over his bare chest, his lips never leaving mine. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it to the floor as his hands ran over inch of my bare skin and he kissed down my neck to my chest.

"Harry.." I moaned softly, running my hands up his back and into his hair. His hands traveled down to my belt buckle and he looked at me.

"May I?" He asked and I giggled at his politeness, nodding. He slowly unbuckled my belt, as if he knew how much it was teasing me. I felt myself grow harder and my fingers tightened in his hair. He slid my jeans down, leaving on my boxers, and threw them to the floor. Harry kissed down my chest again, to my stomach, stopping at my hips. Abruptly, he sat up on his knees, running his finger softly over my hips.

"W-what are these?" He asked, choking on the last word. Shit... I forgot about those. I mentally hit myself.

"Childhood accident." I mumbled, running a shaking hand through my hair.

"Please, don't lie to me..." He whispered, stilling looking at my hips. "Why...?" I took a deep breath, propping myself up on my elbows, causing Harry to look at me.

"I only did it once.. After Zayn... did what he did to me... I don't know, it just pushed me over the edge.." I said, feeling the tears that had been stinging my eyes spill down the sides of my face. Harry wiped my tears away and kissed me lightly.

"You're beautiful. Please don't do it again... I've got you now." He whispered. I nodded and he smiled, softly grinding his hips against mine. I laid back down against the pillows, a moan escaping my lips. He stood up and slid his pants off, getting back on the bed in between my legs. My hard on was showing through my boxers and he ran his fingers lightly over it.


 "Who made you this hard baby?" He asked as he looked up at me, his eyes dark with lust.

"You, Harry..." I breathed, having a hard time holding his gaze.

"Mmm.." He moaned, biting his lip, and pulled my boxers down. He licked a line up my member, making me shudder in pleasure.

 "Oh my god Harry.. please." I pleaded.

"What do you want Niall?" He asked and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

 "Y-your mouth.. anything, please." I gasped out as he licked me again. He took all of me in his mouth at once and my body jerked forward as I let out a strangled cry of pleasure, my fingers tangling in his hair. "Oh!" Harry bobbed his head, using his hand to pump me and I felt my climax approaching much quicker than I wanted. "Harry, stop stop!" I panted and he looked up at me, confused. "I want you in me." He nodded and got off the bed, going to his dresser and grabbed a bottle. I threw my boxers to the floor with the pile of other clothes as Harry approached the bed. He slipped out of his boxers and squirted some of the liquid into his hand, rubbing it on his length. He got back on the bed and lined himself up with my entrance.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded "Ready?" He intertwined our hands as I took a deep breath.

"Yes, I am." He bit his lip as he slowly and gently pushed into me. I squeezed his hand and let out a breath. He pushed all the way in and let me adjust. "You can move." He put his lips to my neck and slowly rolled his hips.

"Niall, you feel so good baby." He moaned in my ear.

"Harry, ohmygod, faster, please!" I moaned loudly, tangling my fingers tighter in his hair. He kissed my neck, my jaw and then my lips, his hips grinding faster . "I love you." I whispered against his lips but instantly regretted it. Although I'VE felt it since the day I met him, that didn't mean HE felt the same way... He smiled at me, running his hand through my hair to the side of my face, cupping my cheek.

"I love you too, Niall. I have since the day you walked into this room." A smile broke across my face and I kissed him again, allowing him to push his tongue into my mouth. We both moaned and Harry's thrusts got a little faster.

 "I'm almost there!" I gasped out.

 "Me too." After a couple more thrusts, my orgasm hit me hard and I screamed.

"HARRY! Ah shit!" I exploded all over mine and Harry's chest and Harry pulled out, coming on my stomach, burying his head in my neck. We laid there for a few minutes, catching our breaths and coming down from our highs. "That... was amazing." I said and Harry nodded, getting up. He grabbed a towel and cleaned us both off then laid back down next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you." I said and yawned. Harry kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

"Go to sleep baby. We can talk more tomorrow." I nodded, falling into a peaceful sleep. 

*     *     *    *

 I woke up to find the spot next to me empty. Then a sound hit my ears; a guitar. I rolled over to see Harry sitting on the floor with a guitar in his lap, strumming the strings.

"Hey! You're up!" He said, looking up at me. I smiled and rested my head on my arm.

 "Whatcha doin?" He bit his lip and looked at me through his eye lashes.

"I wanna sing something for you..." He said, his face turning red and I nodded.

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"Alright." He smiled, starting to strum a tune and started singing.

"Settle down with me, cover me up.. cuddle me in... Lie down with me and hold me in your arms.." He took a breath. "And your hearts against my chest, lips pressed to my neck, I've fallen for your eyes.. But they don't know me yet, and with this feeling I forget, that I'm in love now." His voice was like silk; soft and smooth. I was mesmerized. "Kiss me like you wanna be loved... you wanna be loved... you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love." He smiled, his dimples popping to the surface. "We're falling in love." Harry licked his lips, eyes on his fingers and my heart raced with anticipation. "Settle down with me," He met my eyes. "And I'll be your safety, you'll be my baby.." He smiled at me and it looked like he had tears in his eyes. "I was made to keep your body warm but I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms.." He looked back down at his fingers and I felt tears fill my eyes as he continued. His voice was amazing, he was amazing. My heart melted with his voice and all I could do was smile. "Yeah, I've been feeling everything from hate to love from love to lust from lust to truth, I guess that's how I know you...So I hold you close, to help you give it up!" He paused and took another deep breath, looking back up at me, a smile on his face. "So kiss me like you wanna be loved... you wanna be loved... you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love." A tear fell from his eye. "We're falling in love..." I jumped off the bed, unable to contain myself anymore and he put the guitar aside as I approached him, allowing me to straddle his lap. I crashed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"That was absolutely beautiful." I said as I pulled back.

 "Thanks." Harry said, looking at me, his eyes glowing with happiness. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he pulled my close and kissed me again, warmth spreading through me.

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