Chapter 12

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Harry's POV:

"Harry... Zayn's here.. Can we go?" Niall asked me and I looked over my shoulder. Zayn was across the room, making out with... LIAM?! What the hell? I grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him outside. He didn't need to deal with his asshole ex being here. I was fine dealing with mine.

 "He has to understand that you're mine now." I said, wrapping my arm around his waist and pulled him closer, kissing his cheek.

 "I don't know why he's do-" I was pulled away from him, my arms being held behind my back.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, struggling against my confinements, and looked at Niall. He was shaking and he looked terrified. He was about to speak but someone walked out of the alley... with a gun. I looked at man's face and stopped struggling. "TY?! What the fuck is going on?" I demanded and he just twirled the gun in his hand, smirking.

"Styles...You didn't really think I would just... let it slide that you lost one of my loads, did you?" My hands were fists as he started walking towards Niall.

 "Stay away from him." I growled. He ignored me, running the barrel of the gun over Niall's cheek and I saw a tear fall from his eye. A rush of adrenaline rushed through me and I yanked free of the hands holding me, running towards Ty and Niall. Before I could even reach out to pull him away, Ty turned and hit me across the cheek with his gun. I stumbled backwards but I ignored the pain, quickly retaliating to punch him in the jaw. Ty dodged it and punched me in the stomach, grabbing my wrist and pulled it behind my back, wrapping his arm across my throat. He slowly tightened the pressure on my throat and I gasped for air. He kept tightening it until my legs gave out, then he dropped me. I was on my hands and knees, gasping for breath.

"Harry?" Niall's voice said and I looked up at him. Even in the dark, I could see tears falling from his eyes. I was suddenly hoisted to my feet and Ty stood inches from me face, a smirk on his lips. He punched me in the stomach again and then in the face. "Harry!" Niall yelled as I let out a cry of pain. Ty turned to him and walked over to him, putting the gun under his chin. He looked at me, a devilish grin on his face.

"What if I just did it right now?" He asked, not really wanting an answer.

"I'll fucking kill you. If you hurt him, I swear I will." I said, my chest heaving. Ty just laughed and looked at the guy holding Niall.

 "Put him in the car." He ordered and the man obeyed, starting to drag Niall away.

 "Let go of me!!" He yelled, his voice full of fear, and I pulled against the grip on my arms.

 "No! Leave him alone! Niall, I'll come for you! I promise, I'll save y-" Ty punched me again and I tasted blood on my lip. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

 "You have 24 hours to bring me all the money. 65,000 pounds. If you don't, I'll kill him." My fists clenched and unclenched as I glared at him.

"You better not fucking touch him. I swear to god I will kill you if you do." I snarled and Ty just shook his head.

 "Bring the money to my house." The men released me but my legs were to shaky to support me, causing me to fall to the ground. They walked away, leaving me to lay on the ground. Tears burned my eyes as I slowly hoisted myself to my feet, my body shaking. I tried to hold them back until I got to my dorm room, but as I reached the door, they fell. I leaned against the door, letting the tears fall as they pleased.

 "Harry? Oh my god, what happened?!" A voice said and I looked up to see Louis. I threw myself in his arms and we both sank to the ground in front of my door.

"H-he took Niall.." I sobbed into his shoulder, my body shaking violently.

"Who took Niall?" He asked, rubbing my back, trying to calm me.

 "Ty... last week someone stole the load I was supposed to sell and he ambushed us as we were leaving a party and said I had 24 hours to get him all the money or he'll k-kill him.." I said quickly as more tears fell from my eyes and I looked up at him. "I love him, Louis, I can't lose him..." Louis hugged me tighter.

"How much?" He asked, trying to sound calm but I could tell his voice was shaking a bit. I took a deep breath.

 "65,000 pounds." Louis nodded and sighed. "Lou, I only have 30,000 pounds in the bank.. what am I going to do?" I cried harder, clutching his shirt. I couldn't lose Niall. I was finally in a happier, better place with him in my life. I wouldn't be able to live without him..  I just wouldn't....

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