Chapter 1:// Unknown Number

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"Eleanor, where the hell do you think you are going? we are getting late." I shouted at her. Apparently, my best friend and I, are running down the hall to get to our math class. We were almost there when El pointed near the biology class, where stood the most popular prefect, Abby. Now this Abby is not the sweet and honest girl how most of the prefects are. She is bossy and a mean one, who apparently is hunting for our blood.

Ok ok, I am being a little dramatic, but she is always on the lookout to harm us in any way possible or complain about us, even though when we have done nothing. But teachers have this stupid misconception about her and believe her to be an honest prefect.

The moment we both saw her, we changed our direction and started running towards the girl's washroom. We both knew very well that she the moment she'll see us, she will start with her daily drama and later claim that we were bunking our classes. How sick is that? So we decide to hide somewhere which was way better than getting caught by the mean monster.... So we ran as hard as we could to be safe..

"Laurel!!" I heard Eleanor calling me but I had no time to turn back and answer. Stumbling, I hurriedly entered the washroom, breathless. After a moment, catching my breath I asked, "What is it El?" turning back. I couldn't see Eleanor.

Where the hell is she now?

"Look who the cat dragged in." I snapped my face around to see three boys giggling. Soon my little pea brain realized that I had entered the boy's washroom.

Okay this is extremely awkward

I recognized one of the three boys as Sean Turner. He is in my history class and guess what? My crush since 7th grade.

" Uhh..shit.." I couldn't move, not at all. My cheeks warmed up, I could actually feel it getting hot. I stood there like an idiotic monkey who had lost its way.. Yeah I actually was... Finally getting back to my senses, I bit my lip and came out of the boy's washroom with my face red as a tomato. I could hear them laugh behind me.

Way to embarrass myself Laurel.

I realized how pathetic that situation had been. Those guys must have thought I'm some sort of a desperate freak. When I came out, I saw Eleanor waiting for me near the girl's washroom, her hands folded.

"Really Lau, you went in the boy's washroom? What are you, a hippo?"

"A hippo?" I repeated.

"Yeah, hippos have weak sight you idiot."

"Ugh, whatever."

"So was there anyone in the washroom?"

"Yeah" I made a sad face, it was Sean and two of his friends.

"Wow..that is such a great way to embarrass yourself Lau" she said.

"As if I don't know." I said in frustration

"I pity you my friend."

"Shut up El. Let's just not talk about it and go to our math class, before we run into Abby again."

"Ohh yeah not again." El said.


I was hanging out with, Eleanor and Tyler in the cafeteria, the two people who know me the best. They have been with me since kindergarten.

"Hey, that's my food, don't you dare take it." I shouted at Eleanor. She had eaten her food already and was now ready to attack mine, what a pig!

Tyler was laughing.

"God, you both are so damn skinny, and you both eat like a pig, that's just creepy." Tyler commented.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong about it, is there? Besides, isn't that just cool?" El said defensively.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"God guys, stop it. I am just really worried about the bio classes that are starting from tomorrow, I mean they will surely affect the final grade and I have to study hard" I said.

I have actually never been that good in biology, and all the study about plants only confuses me.
"Jeez Laurel, just chill, I am sure you will do fine. It's just Tyler that I am worried about." El said smirking.

"Hey, I am not that bad". He defended.

"Yes you are".
"No I am not".
"You are".
"I'm not!!".

"Guys guys guys, chill!

And they both started laughing.

"Okay so we will see all that later. Now just head to class, it's my English class and Ms. Jones is giving me a detention if I am late. That woman really has a problem with me" I said.

"Ya ok, see you soon!" El said.

"Bye!" They both said in unison.
"Bye guys."
The rest of the day was super boring and I dragged myself from my last class, math.

I started walking towards my house. My school is not very far away from my house, so walking isn't a big deal.

I entered the house and headed toward my room. My house is so lonely that it gives me creeps. My dad usually works late and I have no siblings to keep me company. I just have to stay alone for a whole day in that house. I threw my bag on my bed and sat on my study table. Seems like I have got some studying to do, but the whole day turned out to be so hectic that I hardly had the energy to do anything...

As a result of being worn-out I decided to take a break for some time, but that "some time" will eventually turn out being hours....
So I just fell on my bed I closed my eyes.

Then I started to wonder about random things, like Sean...

Ohh man!! He was such an adorable guy, but I knew that I would never have the luck or a chance to even talk to him. Also, that embarrassing thing which happened in the boy's washroom, I am pretty sure he thinks I am some sort of a creep.

Then eventually my thoughts traveled from Sean to food.

Yeah, because I was feeling damn hungry. Sue me.

So I just managed to get to the kitchen before I was going to die of hunger.

After getting some food, I made up myself for studies... Well who would want to do it on a really amazing evening. I looked out of the window. It was a bit windy and the weather was cool, I wanted to have a nice walk out there, but arghh....! I had to work on this boring assignment Mr. Stevenson had given.

It was on plants, the most irritating subject to work on. To be honest, I just want to pass in bio. Yeah, I am pretty bad at it.

It was an assignment with this guy called Ryan Dalton. I had not even heard his name before I was paired up with him, so it was kinda weird and I had to split the work for each other and then combine them one day and submit the file to our teacher

Suddenly my phone rang!! I almost fell off my bed for a second.. I reached for my phone and looked at the screen, and it said- Unknown number.

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