Chapter 2:// Mr. Sexy Voice

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An unknown number? What the heck man. I wasn't really in a mood to talk to anyone. But I had to, in case it was something important.
"Hello? "Umm..hey. Is this Laurel? Bates?" A sexy guy's voice replied. Like really sexy.
"Yeah, who's this?" I asked
"Umm, I'm Ryan Dalton. We have been paired up for our bio project. So I thought that maybe at least we talk, you know, if we have to do a project together." The sexy voice replied.
"Oh..yeah..right, Ryan. I know, yeah. So, umm, what do we do?" I asked, trying not to sound weird.
"Well, we do the project together I guess, you know, go study the plants outside. What do you think?" He asked. Apart from the voice, he also sounded
"Yeah, that's a good idea I guess. So, umm, when do we start?"
\I really need to stop with the 'ummss'...\
"What? Today?"
"Yeah. We will have to start it sooner or later. We may as well do it now."
"Come on, I don't think you are even that busy. Let's do it today only."
I hated to admit it, but he was kinda right. So I had to say yes.
"Fine. What time?"
"Where are you now?"
"At home? Why?"
"Great, tell me the address, I am coming."
"What?!" What the hell was this guy thinking?
He sighed, seeming tired of my stupid questions.
"In case you haven't noticed, its dusk already. Do you want to study the plants at night? We have to do it now." He said in a 'duh' tone.
"How do I know you are not a serial killer?" I asked, looking stupid, but hey, I gotta make sure who the guy was.
"Oh dear lord, what wrong did I do to get paired with this girl?" He mumbled sighing, again.
"If you don't want me to come to your place, can we just meet somewhere?"

"Yeah, I guess that's fine" I said, ignoring his first comment.
"Alright then, why don't we meet in Mc Donald's down the road near school and then we can go study on the plants?"
"Fine I will see you in 20 minutes" he said and then hung up.
God, what was this guy?
In 20 minutes I was all set. Ready to meet the sexy-voice stranger.
I was wearing a Blue T-shirt, and my denim shorts. I came out of the house, and locked the door.
I walked down the road, to Mc D, feeling a ticklish feeling in my stomach.
I mean, after all I was gonna meet a stranger. God.
I walked inside Mc Donald's, my eyes instantly wandering around to search for Mr. Sexy voice.
I was busy looking around, when a very good smell surrounded me. I turned around, and saw a very smart, hot and a sexy boy staring at me.
"So, you must be Laurel." He said, when he noticed that I wasn't going to be the one speaking first.
"Uh, yeah. And you must be Mr. Se--" Oh crap! Was I just about to say Mr Sexy Voice?
What the hell!
I was standing there silently, my eyes wide.
"Uh, I'm Ryan. We talked on the phone, remember?" He said.
"Oh, haha, yeah, I remember. Stupid me. Haha." Oh God, I m such a big idiot.
He looked at me weirdly.
"Alright then, let's have something to eat and then we can start with work."
Yeah! I so so wanted to eat something.
So, after having 1 burger, 2 drinks and some other stuff, I was finally full! Thank goodness.
While I ate like an ape, Ryan-Mr. Sexy Voice just observed me. He didn't eat much though. Just a drink. I sorta felt embarrassed, but come on, I didn't have my lunch!
"So, are you done?" He asked
"Yeah. So, should we go to the park now? The park near St. George's church has the plants that we need for the project. We may as well just go there."

Wow, I said a sentence without the 'ummss'.

"Yeah, I have also been there, but never really saw the plants, but you seem confident, so let's go there." He said coolly.
"OK." I said.
We both moved out. He opened the door, and motioned me to move out first.
What a gentleman.
I mumbled a 'thank you' and came out. He walked towards a black Range Rover, opened the door and sat in. Then he said through the window "come on in, I don't bite." And then winked at me.
I know I shouldn't really trust this guy, but I went and sat in the car.
He then drove off to the park.

It just took about 5 minutes and we were there. We got down from the car and I decided to act a little saner than I was doing before. He looked around, "Nice weather, isn't it?" he said. I agreed, it really was pleasant. I pointed towards the place where we were supposed to go. "Oh that is why I never noticed those plants". "You have never been behind the church"? I was surprised. "No I just never noticed, I guess".

Weird, as most of the children used to roam around there after church. I wondered why he never noticed that place. "Well, let's get to work then".

We were almost done when I heard some growling voice behind me. I turned around in slow motion, confused! And what I saw was a gigantic dog.... Its mouth open as if a tiger had just spotted a deer, teeth like shark and it was ready to attack.

My jaw dropped! I couldn't react, I didn't know whether to run or scream!! I just stood there blank, not knowing how to react.

"Hmm?" He replied, after some seconds. 

"Could you please turn around" I said in a dead tone, when I noticed that he was really into his work. "What's wro...." He asked, turning around. And when he saw what I saw, his reaction... "Oh...shit".

The next thing I knew that we had to run for our lives and not make the next day my funeral!!! 

The enormous creature started coming towards us, and I was like, "Uh oh"! "Run" he shouted.

We ran, leaving everything that was in my hands. I ran as fast as I could, I saw Ryan's car and realized that it was my life saver! We could hear the dog bark (which wasn't actually a dog, cause dogs are cute and that creepy thing was the opposite). As soon as we neared the car we jumped on it and reached the top. We turned to look if we were safe. By the time the dog could run onto us, a man came running, held the dog by his neck and tied a chain.... 

"I am so sorry for causing this inconvenience". 

"As if we are going to say 'it's OK', man it was about to eat us if u don't know". He said frustrated. 


"Okay let's not drag this further". I interrupted "It's okay, and by the way thanks for at least coming in the end before it could have done any harm to us". I tried to act sensible.

Soon the dog vanished, and I got my breath back. 

"That was close"! He said, still getting back to his senses.

 "Very close, to be precise". I said, still not believing what just happened. The next thing I realized was we were holding hands, not exactly we but, I mean, I, basically. We both ran our sight on it.

Oh gosh! Why are we holding hands? I mean, why I am holding his hand?

"Uhh... Sorry". I said as I let go. I didn't really expect him to say something, but he started to laugh! Like really hard..! "Do you know what just happened with us now"? He said laughing. The scene automatically played in my mind, and to be honest with you, it was pretty funny. I mean the way I reacted, the way we ran and everything was just so funny! I began to laugh as hard as he did, and continued to laugh for almost, like 10 minutes.

"This is going to be one of the most memorable days of my life". 

"Exactly"! He nodded. 

"Well I'll drop you at your place now".

 " it's fine. I'll walk". 

"Walk? It's already getting dark and your house not even close to this place".

 "I know, but, I love to walk". 

"Great hobby, I must say". I smiled in reply. 

"Ok then, I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

 "Yeah right, bye".

I saw him get into his car and he drove away. I walked up to my house recalling everything that happened and I don't know why, there was a smile all along!

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