I, Who caused the suicide.

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An Extract From Ryley Harred's Diary- August 2006

"As if anyone would want a pathetic being like you! You disgust me! Just do us all a favour and disappear!" My words were like blades piercing through the air. The girl in front of me whimpered, and ran away, the sound of her dirty trainers echoing throughout the empty school halls. Kwenda Jodes.The freak. The fatty. The oddity. The outcast.



August 6th 2006

"Ryler! My man!" The gruff voice of my best friend, Devin Haweks, shouted, as he walked over to me. 

"Sup Dev." I answered, sitting down at MY lunch table by the window.

"Ah, same old, same old.. Jeez, you must have really scared the bejeesus outta Kwendle yesterday!", Devin grinned, taking a seat, " She isn't at school today- and she always comes to school...I wouldn't really put her as a ditching type of person.."

"Pfft, who cares about her? She's a nobody. Now, I heard you and the hot new girl- what's her name? Candi?- were really getting it on at the party last night.."

"Ha, yeah! You should have been there man! There were about 20 college girls-stupid as always, but oh well..  Instead you decided to just meet with Kwendle..I still feel like something's wrong...."

"Look man. She's not here. Who cares. A bit low for you, but do you like her or something?"

"What? NO! I'm just curious... What actually happened yesterday?" Devin frowned at me.

"Nothing. Look, Just drop it."

"Fine, I'm Just saying" He raised his hands up in surrender, grinning. 

"Ahem..." We both turned to look at the new girl, who was standing there with a flirty smile on her face.

"Hey Candi.." Devin half-smiled, as she stuck out her hand.

"I'm Candi Gine. And You're Ryley Harred. It's great to finally meet you.."

I raised my eyebrows, shaking her hand in return. 

"I bet it is" Devin muttered.

I stood up, walking away, "See you man....and Candi."

"bye!" Candi frowned, turning to focus all her attention on Devin.

I walked out of the cafeteria, and nodded at the smiling students who passed me in awe. Stopping at locker 188, I opened it, and took my books out, heading to my next class.

"Good Afternoon Mr Harred." My History teacher, Mrs Elgey, nodded at me smiling. 

"Morning Mrs E" I grinned at her, taking a seat at the back. I took out my Ipod, and plugged my earphones in, as I waited for the class to start. Five minutes later, the horde of students started pouring in through the door. 

"Sup Ryley!"

"Hey Ryley"

"Hi Ryler!!"

I smirked at them, sending the girls into a daze, and the boys to give me knowing looks. Ryley Harreds. They know I'm irresistable, with my soft brown hair, and my green eyes inherited from my drunk father. 

"Ryley Harreds?"

"You know I'm here Mrs E" I grinned mischieviously.

"Be Quiet Mr Harred." She smiled, laughing silently.

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