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'Ryley? It's me, Kwenda'


I sat up, now extremely alert. Pausing for a few seconds, I shook my head and sighed, annoyed at my stupid imagination.  I could've sworn I had heard a voice...

'Ryley?' My eyes opened wide, as I looked around.

"Who's there?" I whispered, terrified.

' Ryley.. It's me, Kwenda Jodes..'

"No! You're dead! You can't be talking to me!!! Go AWAY!!" I shouted furiously, scanning the room. I am not in the mood for games..

"Devin, If that's you.." I muttered angrily.

'I'm Sorry Ryley.. I know you won't believe it... IS me.. Kwenda Jodes!' the voice whispered timidly.

"PROVE IT!!!" I whispered, my voice raising an octave, "PROVE IT!"

'okay' it whispered back.

I grinned, pleased at the fact that whoever the voice was, would have to take desperate measures to prove they were, in fact, Kwenda Jodes. In a simpler way of putting it-I had won.

Suddenly, a searing pain echoed throughout my head. I clutched at my head in pain.


I could see a faded kind of, in my head. It was of the school hall... It was crowded...

Suddenly the zoomed into a girl in a hoodie sitting in the corner, with a sad look under the hood. I tried to talk, but my voice was silent, as I felt an hovering sense of fear..

The girl got up and I watched as she walked up to a group of boys laughing at a set of lockers. She tapped the biggest one on the back, and he turned around. My jaw dropped as I saw my face...

"What do you want Kwendle?" My jaw dropped even further, as the scorching pain in my head continued, and my hand gripped my head harder.

"Can I talk to you after school?" the girl who I now knew as Kwenda asked politely.

"Why not now? Too scared you're gonna cry?" The movie Ryley said, an evil smirk on my-his face.

"Please.." Kwenda muttered, and I felt extremely embarresed for some reason..

"What's that?" the other Ryley jeered.

"PLEASE" Kwenda shouted.

"That's better. Yes Kwenda, I will meet you after school. Don't bring your friends-oh wait, you don't HAVE ANY." the other Ryley laughed evilly, as Kwenda ran off, her face red with embarresment. I felt extremely embarresed and.. angry?

The other Ryley laughed mercilessly, and turned back to his entourage. I saw a glimpse of a worried looking Devin, and some other guys from my social group. We were jocks. It was self-explanatory. A few girls who I recognised as cheerleaders walked up to the other Ryley and started to hug their boy of the day, and include themselves in the conversation.

My head stopped pouding for a minute, but then, the aching in my head returned.

The whole scene in my head went black, and then another picture appeared. It was of the now deserted school hall. A very bored looking me stood there, leaning against a locker. He glanced at his wrist watch and looked up after hearing the sound of feet.

"You're late Kwendle." he jeered evilly.

"I was kept in the library. I need you to do me a favour.."

"What is it." the Ryley asked, inspecting his nails, secretly thrilled.

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend." Kwenda blurted out.

"..." The Ryley burst out laughing.

"Please?" Kwenda asked.

"And Why Should I Do that?"

"Because- Because I know that you're not that bad! You can be nice sometimes... I really need you to!! I told Kasey Indies that we were dating, cause she was telling me to stay away from you.."

The other Ryley let out a booming laugh. "You really thought I would agree? As if anyone would want a pathetic being like YOU! Why don't you go do us all a favour and disappear!" his words were even harsher than I imagined. I felt my something break inside me, and I started to feel my eyes water. Kwenda ran off, tears streaming down, and a broken look on her face. I watched as Kwenda ran further and further into the distance.

"STOP KWENDA!!" I tried to shout, "I'm SORRY!!" But the words were like forbidden fruits that could never be showed.

Another bolt of pain shot through my head, as I gripped the bedsheets in my hand. A different scene started. I could see Kwenda sitting by a pond, as she cried.

"I HATE YOU!!!! C....... PLEASE!!! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE!!!" she screamed. I knew what she was going to do before she did it. I tried to shout out to her.

"STOP KWENDA!!! Don't do it!" the words were unspoken.

She took off her flowery ridiculed hat, and jumped in the pond, letting herself sink to the bottom. I was shaking furiously, tremors echoed throughout me, as I broke out in sobs.

I could see Kwenda's lifeless brown eyes staring at me, her mouth set in a determined frame, and her face, stained with tears.

"Stop it" I whispered, "Stop it, STOP IT, STOP IT!!!!"

The pain subsided.

"Stop it, please..." I whispered one last time, as sleep conquered me, the image of Kwenda's lifeless body etched freshly in my mind.



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