Make LURVE not WAR

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“That’s bloody creepy dude. You’re talking to yourself...” Nate exclaimed.

“Don’t judge Nate!” Alice scolded him.

“Whatever. Enough of this chitter chatter, let’s go PAR-TAY!” Nate shouted happily, dragging me to my feet.

“You coming Alice?”

“Nahh, you boys go out and ‘partay’” Alice chuckled.

"LET'S GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Nate whined, dragging me out of the house.

We got into Nate's Toyota-don't ask me how he got it, cause I really don't know, seeing as he doesn't work- and drove off. We arrived at a club a few minutes later, and walked in, after flashing our fake ID’s at the bouncer. You could’ve seen the soundwaves coming from the massive stereo’s at the front, and everywhere I went, girls eyed me.

“Hey dude, I’m gonna go catch up with some pretty ladies, I’ll see you later!” Nate shouted in my ear loudly.

“You go do that.” I replied, walking up to an empty barstool, and sitting down.

‘Are you sure that this is a good idea Ryley?’ Kwenda spoke up.

“Yeah, of course. I’ve been here heaps of times before.” I replied, “Excuse me, a beer please” I said to the bartender, who was staring at me oddly, after hearing my conversation with Kwenda. He passed me my drink, and I gulped it down.


I swivelled around, to see none other than Mr Jodes.

“Yes?” I asked him politely.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I swear I nearly jumped outta my skin. Mr Jodes did not look like a guy that would swear.


“What’s the deal? You kill my daughter then you go celebrate? What kinda sicko are you?!” he demanded.

“Look Mister, I didn’t kill Kwenda, she committed suicide.” I shrugged at him.

 “Don’t give me that bullshit! For all we know, you probably pushed her in that pond! Everyone knows she can’t swim!”

“She can’t?” I questioned.

“N-N-No! Look kid. I know what you kids do to my daughter. You push her around, you humiliate her, and I don’t know what you’re playing at. I don’t know what you’re gonna gain from killing my little girl.  But I’m gonna find out.”

I stayed silent for a minute, and then, after realising what he meant, I spoke out again lowly.

“Mr Jodes. I was not involved with that prank on Halloween. I’m not playing any games. I truly did not mean for Kwenda to do...that... You can try and find out what ‘games’ I’m playing, but you won’t find anything. I’m sorry about your loss, but I can tell you one thing. Kwenda is happy where she is now.” I finished, and Mr Jodes sent me a strange look.

“How would you know?”

“I just do.”

“Fine.” Mr Jodes said as he walked away and disappeared through the crowd of partiers.

‘Thanks Ryley. I was right about you. You do have some goodness in you.’

I laughed bitterly. “Yeah, and it took your death for me to see that.”

“What did you just say to me!” A huge guy stood in front of me, and was pissed off.

“I-I wasn’t talking to you..”

“Yeah, who else were you talking to?!” the guy angrily shoved me hard. By this time, the crowd’s attention had turned to us. I groaned.

“What did you say?!” the guy shoved me again.

“NOTHING!” I shouted at him, pushing him away from me.

“And now you shout at me? And push me? You looking for a fight?!” the guy shouted back at me.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” the crowd repeated excitedly.

The guy swung at me, and I dodged. He was half drunk, and the alchohol was starting to take effect, as his arm did a 360, and hit him straight in the face. I groaned again.

“You just hit me! You fucking dick!”

He punched me right in the jaw. I cried out in pain. I was usually the one doing the bullying.

“OI! HUGH!” the unmistakable voice of Nate pulled me back to the presence. I turned around to see him protecting me, as the crowd dissipated.

“Nate, stop blocking the way. This prick pushed me!” the guy protested.

“Hugh, this is Ryley. Ryley this is Hugh. Remember gentlemen. Make lurve, not war! Now hug!” Drunk Nate grinned. Th-Hugh and I looked each other, and then shivered in disgust. Nate stared at us, then took each of our hands, and after a minute of staring at them, he joined our hands together.

“Now my dear fellas, I now wed you as man, and chicken!!!” Nate grinned again, while waving our hands together.

“Fuck off Nate! I’m gonna plummet this prick!” Hugh angrily pulled his hand away from Nate’s grasp.

“Owwie!!! Hugh, you gave me a hand burny!!! Make Lurrve remember!!!” Nate giggled, and walked up to an attractive girl. “Hel-lo gorgeous. My name is Professor Nathaniel Trinity, and I can prove to you the equation of lurrrrvee!!! Me plus you equals baby Nathaniel Trinity’s!!!!”

Kwenda giggled in my head, and I turned around just as Hugh’s fist plummeted into my jaw again. I backed away in horror, but suddenly stopped as I watched him drop to the floor in a thump. I stared as Alice emerged from behind Hugh’s limp body, and as she spat on him.

“You really can’t do anything right..” Alice shook with laughter at me.

“Make LURRVE, NOT WAR!” Nate protested happily, scooping Alice up in a large hug.

“Let’s just go.” Alice replied. I shook my head in agreement, and we started to walk out.

“Hey Alice!” A melodious voice called out. I turned around, and stood there like an idiot, as the most beautiful girl ran over to Alice, hugging her.

“Hey Sky!” Alice grinned. They launched into a conversation as I stood there awkwardly. I let out a small cough after a few minutes, and Alice turned to me.

“Oh yeah, and this is Ryley Harreds. Ry, this is Sky Bell. She’s in our grade, and my best friend.” Alice shrugged, bored already.

“Oh, so you’re that bully that Kwenda was talking about.”

“I-I’m really sorry about that.. I’ve already told her.”

“Good. Let’s start afresh shall we?” she smiled, and I swear my heart leaped out of my chest.

“Yeah! Great! I’m Ryley Harreds.” I grinned.

“I’m Sky Bell. How do you do?” she grinned back.

“Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful person. I’m good. How are you?” I replied.

“Why thank you Ry-can I call you that? I’m good too.” She responded. I blushed as she spoke, and nodded furiously when she asked to call me Ry.

“Can we go now? It’s really gross watching my best friend and my other best friend-whose like my brother- flirting. EWWW!” Alice piped out and shivered.

“Yeah. So, I’ll see you around?” I sighed.

“Yep. Oh, and Ry?”


“You might wanna put some ice on that bruise.”

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