The Mantion in the Middle of the Woods

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       I Was having a horrible afternoon, I lost my stupid job at a grocery store, I ran out of money, and When I came home, it was to a disaster. Broken glass decorated the dirty carpet with shimmers of blue and green, ripped pictures cluttered every inch of the floor, my T.V was missing. All that was left was my laptop, with the screen saver saved with a message: "Watch your back", in chicken scratch writing. Large tears rolled down my face. I was all alone in the world, I had cold-bloodily murdered my family, and the rest all died young. It was only a stuffed animal cat that was left of my family. I ran out, tears still streaming down my face, into the dark woods behind my house. Something in there lured me in, I don't know why, but it felt right.
I felt messed up, my life felt horrible. The leaves slapped my face like angry hands, telling me how horrible I am inside. I kept running till I came across a large silver stone. I sat on it, to catch my breath. It felt cool and round, a perfect place to sit and stair at the screen saver the robbers had left me; Watch Your Back. It was interesting to read, over and over...
I felt very strange, like someone was watching me. But at the same time, I was soothed by the presence, It was calming, but it felt like a lesser version on a death glair. I felt like I was slowly melting, but at the same time, sane. I slowly turn to look behind me. What I saw was a very tall man in a exquisite tuxedo. The problem? He had pale white skin and no face, and Long, black tentacles growing out of his back.
I thought that I would be terrified of the strange monster, But I, surprisingly, was not. He stood a step closer to me, I could be able to feel the power of his aura radiating through him. He took another step closer, then closer, and closer still, till he was standing but a foot away from the large stone of what I was sitting apon.
With a strong, low voice, I herd him speak, which was strange, because he had no mouth.
"You are a strange breed,"he started, be cocked his head to the side, in a confused manor. "I cannot manipulate your mind."
I was strangely calm, I replied: "What do you mean, 'manipulate your mind'? And how do you know my real name?"
"Child, you are still young, and I yet have to tell you about what the world is going to become to you. I know many things, like how you like to be called by different names by many different people, like 'murderer'."
My heart was racing, how did he know? Who is he? Why is he telling me this? I took a deep breath, ready to tell him off, but instead, he spoke first.
"I already know your story, Jayden. When you were in you higher teens, you killed your parents in cold blood. you lost your old job. You got a new one, but when they figures out that you were a murderer, they fired you, which was today. Then you came home to an empty home except for the device you now hold in your arms."
I stared down at the computer, scared about him knowing, like, my entire life story. "H- how did u-"
"Like I said, child, I know things." He came so close, I could the warmth radiating from his body. "Child, come with me." He softly took my wrist, because I was using both my hands to hold the large laptop. He lead me through the twists and turns of the forest in the gloominess of dusk. I wonder what he is going to do with me. Sooner then I thought, we came to a large, dark shadow, so dark, all I saw was a shape, looming ahead of us. luckily, a storm was soon heading in this direction. A bolt of lightning burst overhead, it reviled that the shape ahead of us was not a shadow, but a ginormous mansion. Several cars were parked before it, a silver Hennessey Venom, a green Porsche 918 spyder with green rims, a black 2015 Dodge Dart, and a Bright red 2013 Mini Cooper. I have no idea how I knew what they were, but I have been known to obsess with "get-away" cars.
We passed the sports cars and went up to the front door. it had huge, looming doors with big knockers on it. the man pushed to door open with one of his tentacles.  

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