Our Little Girl

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17 years after the wedding: "Mom, Jeff is threatening to stab me again!" Jessica Slender yelled, her heavy footsteps coming down the staircase. It was 9:15 in the morning, and I could hear laughing, and saw Jeff holding a serrated knife. I let out a giggle, and Jessica hid behind me playfully. Jessica is 16, and has been a kind and obedient girl all her life. Yah, we hit some twists and turns here and there, but the family was able to get though problems. she was born June 20, 1999, And today was her 16th birthday.
I laughed hard, as Jeff came up to me and accidentally got me in the arm with his knife. He quickly apologized as silvery pink blood ran down to my hand. It was cool running down my arm, but the wound quickly healed, and the "blood" blended in with the tissue around it.
"Mom, I bet you are glad that you are immortal!" My daughter quickly made a joke, and I giggled as I pulled her in front of me.
"Oh, Hun, go along, I will be quite busy." I told her calmly. She took Jeff's neck in a choke-hold, giving him a rough nuggy in the process. I shook my head side-to-side, smiling to myself. Jeff tried to struggle out of the lock, but Jess had reinforcements, and calmly dragged Jeff behind her with her tentacles in the same choke-hold. Jeff was smiling and laughing, even with my daughter's tentacle wrapped tightly around his throat. Well, he good thing about being a CreepyPasta, is that you can't get hurt and you can't die from mortal or friend weapons, and that you basically live forever. Bad thing is that if you are hurt by an enemy weapon, you get hurt, and sometimes killed.
I slowly strolled into the kitchen, where my husband, Slender, was starting dinner, which was Jessica's favorite, Lasagna. I got out all the things I needed and started making a simple devils food cake with raspberry filling. The mixed smells filled the room with strange, but delicious smells. I enjoyed baking, while Slender was the opposite, he loved to cook. Well, you know what they say, opposites attract! Time flew bye, and soon, it was time to feast. Together, we ate, and the food was devoured in what seemed like seconds! The cake was also delectable! Then, it was time for Jessie to open her gifts.
Jeff had gotten her a golden butcher's knife necklace, while Smile Dog randomly gave her bloody kisses. With blood smeared all over her face, she opened Laughing Jack's present, which featured an IPod with tones of good music on it. Eyeless Jack had given her art supplies, and Hoodie and maskie went together and got her two new black hoodies, one from GAP, and one from Aeropostal. Clockwork and Toby got Jess a new red-and-white bloody bedspread. And, of course, Ben got her a red 3DS and a few games, so much like him!
Lost Silver was kind enough to get her chalkboard paint, while Sally got Jessica a new knife. Her Uncles, Offender, Trender, and Splendor were quite generous with their gift, because they put it all together and got her a black and blue Lamborghini Veneno. Well, The Slender Family always needs a nice car! Jessica was already an exceptional driver, and I was proud of her to be able to be in such a strange and modern family tradition!
I smiled as I reach behind me to grab out her gift. Both me and SlenderMan held it up toward her face. It was wrapped sloppily in glittery pink wrapping paper. she smiled back.
"Thanks, mom, dad! This must be the best present of the night!" We both smiles back to her, and the look on her face was frozen when she looked at what it was. Her jaw hung, and a slight smile appeared on her face. She held up what looked like a fancy tomato knife. "I-is this..."
Slender and I nodded, and I decided to speak. "Yes, it is the knife That I murdered Justin Bieber with last year. It was a lie when I told you that it got lost in the rubble after we burned his house down."
Just seeing Jessie's smile make us all smile, and for that moment, she was the center of our world.

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