The Others

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            (If You weren't mature enough, here is what u missed...)
(first paragraphs...)
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" I screamed at him. I wanted him to take it all back, but then I remembered, once a proxy, always a proxy. But I never knew that it was possible to share powers. Slender could tell that I was in outrage. so he practically answered all of my questions.
"I made you a proxy. Basically a servant, but I did not create you for that reason. I made you a proxy because I feel the same way you feel for me." He wrapped a tentacle around one of mine, holding it in grace. "Child, I think I love you."
(they start kissing... blah blah blah... you get the rest...)
(Then they stop, and Jayden asks to be able to pack what's left of her home.)
"I will allow you to go, but please be back soon, my dear, for that I always seem lonely, even with my brothers around." he said with a slight smile on his snow-white face.
I turned slowly, and left the large mansion. I soon arrived at my old apartment and started salvaging all that was left. before I knew it, I was already packed and had already arrived back at the neat mansion. I opened the door again slowly, only to come to a delicious smell, wafting from the direction of where the kitchen should be. I walked toward the smell, SlenderMan reveling himself in a "Kill The Cook" apron. he silently pointed up stairs, and said, "Your room is next to mine. It will have a proxy symbol scratched onto it. You will know when you see it. Please, make yourself at home, and then meet me back here in 15 mins." I nodded back and thanked him. I then turned around and followed his directions.
That dinner was splendid. Slender cooked up my favorite, Spaghetti and meatballs with buttery garlic bread, even though I never told him that I loved that dish. He didn't seem to want to eat, although it seemed like he was able. He ate a bite of the bread with his mind, me being able to see the bite-mark in the appetizer. Surprisingly, none of his brothers came down to see what was happening. We broke conversation a few times, but he seemed very depressed half the time. I then finally asked what was wrong. He replied. "I think this will be a good relationship and all, child, but... I don't think I will be here at all times..."
"Why do you say that?" I said nervously.
"Because in the next mansion over, we have enemies..."
"What do you mean, 'we'..."
"The rest of the people, like me." I was confused. I thought that Slender and his brothers were the only ones. I never knew that there were others like him, and others that are evil, too. he stared deeply into my eyes, then looked away in shame. "My love, I am sorry to bring you into such trouble... The rest of my... "family" is out hunting. they should be back soon, though." he looked back at me, and held his hand out for mine. I took it, and we both stood up. he lead me toward the entry way, where we were listening for movement and sound. In about a few seconds, we herd commotion coming from outside. SlenderMan ushered me to sit down and be silent, so I followed his directions, because I could tell that he didn't want me to be overwhelmed by so much presence at once.
Then before I knew it, loads of voices swarmed behind me as the all greeted SlenderMan. His brothers rushing down the stairs to greet as well. I heard several voices very well, while others were quiet, or jumbled in with the chat. Then, I herd SplenderMan silence them and tell them something I couldn't understand, because many gasps arose from the crowd. Some even cheered, which sounds strange between all the gasps. A group soon showed up in front of me, some with smiles, while others kept straight faces. SlenderMan and Splender were in front. Slender started pointing at his brother, who had a mischievous smile plastered on his face.
"You are dead to me..." I mouthed at the pair of brothers.
A Little girl in the middle of the crowd broke the silence. She had blonde hair with blood all-over her face and hands. She came up and said: "Hi, will you play with me?" Several arms reached in toward the girl and pulled her back, most with scared looks on their faces. Several voices said things to the girl and she became silent and still once more. Then, a new voice arose from the large group in a low, teenage voice, saying: "Who are you?" a kid with a white, bloodstained hoodie, dirty brown hair, and a smile carved into his face walked up to me, with some swag in his step, looking like he was trying to impress someone. He stopped right in front of my nose, trying to intimidate me. but that didn't work. I started laughing! Not the "people will soon think that you are crazy" laugh, but the "You are stupid and I think it is funny" laugh.
"Ha, very funny... why don't you ask yourself that question?" I said sarcastically. The boy turned bright red, and backed off. The others laughed quite hard, as the teen got redder by the second. Then, I decided to tell them who I was. I sat up, quickly revealing my new tentacles, which were kept hidden behind my back. The group got very silent, very quickly, like I was a strange creature. I then decided to speak. "Well, hi. I am the person 'round here..." I broke off silently. then I continued: "I am Jayden Walker. But I am formally called Killer Blue-Jay at my place... You know... just call me Jay."  

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