He Made Me All I Am

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       "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" I screamed at him. I wanted him to take it all back, but then I remembered, once a proxy, always a proxy. But I never knew that it was possible to share powers. Slender could tell that I was in outrage. so he practically answered all of my questions.
"I made you a proxy. Basically a servant, but I did not create you for that reason. I made you a proxy because I feel the same way you feel for me." He wrapped a tentacle around one of mine, holding it in grace. "Child, I think I love you."
What he had just said surprised me. But he was right, I DID feel the same for him. "I-I think I love you, too." We stared into each other's eyes, for a while. then, the unthinkable happened... I leaned in, on pure accident, and we kissed. I don't know how you could kiss a man with no mouth, but it was nice. It was long, and soothing. like a kiss from those movies about the guy who ends up dying, so the have a good-bye kiss. It was just like that.
Randomly, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and a low voice saying: "I can sense romance...!" Me and SlenderMan were still kissing when I hear the same voice again. "OMG, I am outta here..." and the heavy footsteps running back up the stairs.
We stop kissing, and I reply with: "Oh, my, Offender is such a attention hog..." We both smile and laugh, and we start kissing again. after a few seconds, we stop. I was panting. From him, all he radiated was pride, hope, and... love. He was gentle and sweet. I now didn't care what he had just did to me, all I cared for now was him.
His voice swung low... he chanted, "You know, I think I lied when I said that I think I loved you, I DO love you." He smiled softly, and he hugged me.
"I love you too, SlenderMan." I leaned in closer, as he did the same. My lips touched "his". we shared another long, passionate kiss between one another. It was a sweet kiss. I wanted it to last forever, but I knew that I couldn't. I removed my lips from his. and I frowned. "I-I am so sorry..." I said as I turned my face to the side slowly to the side in shame.
"What is wrong, child?" Slender said, as he put his warm hand on my cheek, pushing my head for me to look him in the "eye".
"I-I can't do this..." I said into those staring, empty eye sockets. Even with all my heart, I wanted the same he wanted, but I felt wrong, like it was the incorrect thing to do. Then I figured it out: we were going to fast. I lightly blushed. "I would like to visit my old home one last time, so I could make sure I have everything I need."
"I will allow you to go, but please be back soon, my dear, for that I always seem lonely, even with my brothers around." he said with a slight smile on his snow-white face.
I turned slowly, and left the large mansion. I soon arrived at my old apartment and started salvaging all that was left. before I knew it, I was already packed and had already arrived back at the neat mansion. I opened the door again slowly, only to come to a delicious smell, wafting from the direction of where the kitchen should be. I followed the smell, SlenderMan reveling himself in a "Kill The Cook" apron. he silently pointed up stairs, and said, "Your room is next to mine. It will have a little proxy symbol scratched onto one of the corners of it. You will know when you see it. Please, make yourself at home, and then meet me back here in 15 mins." I nodded back and thanked him. I then turned around and followed his directions.  

I Think I Love You [SlenderMan X OC]Where stories live. Discover now