I Don't Understand

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       We walked in silently, but the door was old and creaky, and I herd some noises start to stir. some were louder than others, and they sounded from up the stairs. Apart from the noises, the house was nice and strangely like a modern families' home: Lots of color, neat, a few pictures here and there, like my old home...
I pushed the thought of my old home out of my mind, it was too traumatizing. There was a very large amount of loud noises coming from the rooms upstairs.
"Please excuse my brothers, child, they are quite some... 'characters.'" not long after, the noise quieted down, and I soon was hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. A voice came around and said, "Slender, are you back?" in a tired, but excited tone. I could feel the man's grip on my wrist tighten, but not to hard to have me loose blood circulation. A figure walked down the stairs, he looked just like the man who he called "Slender" but he actually had a face, but not much of one...
"Child," he said in a calm, but annoyed, voice, "This is one of my brothers, SplenderMan." As soon as the other man herd his name, all the underworld broke loose. I was almost mad of myself, if I had never murdered my family, or lost my job, or gotten robbed, then I wouldn't be here, face-to-face with the world's most annoying killer. Heck, it might just be how he kills, his annoyance! but hey, I am hear anyway, and plus, he said, and I quote, "brothers". I kind of want to see how they look!
Well, 'SplenderMan' made himself completely at home around me, all he did was talk, and talk, and talk about stupid crap like if I like board games. wow, that was annoying!
Then, a mirical happened, he finally shut himself up and went to play "Dance Wars" in his room upstairs! Trust me, I've never been this happy since I killed that old, annoying, over-talkative, retired mayor here!
Well, my happiness stayed a wile, because the 'other brothers' still didn't come down to meet me. Slender Man gestured for me to sit down on a white, curves sofa and I did as he said. It was super comfy and I had a memory of how comfortable it was to sit on my mom's couch...
I pushed the memory out, it was not good for me to start remembering the good times with my family, because if I did, I would feel alone in the world. but I felt like I had someone, the man sitting ahead of me on the same sofa as me.
"I don't understand..." I started the question, but Slender Man finished it for me.
"You are confused, why did I bring you here and why am I being nice to you, their are many reasons. You, in a way, are special. I have never met a person, like yourself, who's body and mind is protected from being able to be a proxy. And I am being nice to you because of that reason"
I was very confused. I stayed quiet for a while. I was just about to ask Slender Man a question when I herd a voice coming down the stairs.
" Who the heck are you talking to?" the voice said in a deep and annoyed tone. Another man, much like Slender and Splender Man, was slowly dragging himself down the stairwell. he looked exactly like Slender Man, but he had a large, unsmiling mouth and no eyes. He also wasn't wearing a shirt, so he showed off all eight of his abs. "Well, well, who do we have here?" he said in a grin, sowing sharp teeth.
"Just go back upstairs, Offender, I am talking to a new ... proxy."
"Nope, you stuttered, this is not a proxy. But wow, take a shower!" I felt offended, so I turned to face him.
"Who is telling me so? I am my own boss!" I stood, holding my computer over my head, like I was going to hit him with it. The new guy, 'Offender', stumbled back in surprise, if he had eyes, they would be huge!
"Woe! Easy! I am just saying what you should do!" He fell back on the staircase, he seemed pretty terrified of me and my computer right now.
"Child, calm down, you are having an episode-" I turned to face him, my mind filled with rage, but I then calmed down, listening to a part of me I never new I still had, a heart. Slender Man understood me, and he listened, and that was calming in its own terms.
"I-I am so sorry," I said to offender, who was still shaken from what I had almost done. "I have a pretty gory childhood..." I put my hand toward him, so I could help him up. He took it, and I pulled him up. I stayed there, staring at him, and he spoke.
"Don't be, and thanks." He let go of my hand slowly, then turned to go back up stairs.
"Wow, hat was random..." I said in response to Offender's reaction.
"yah, my brothers are like that. I am sorry about them..." he said, gesturing for me to sit back down.
"Do you have any other brothers?
"Yes, only one more... but he is probably still reading in his room."
"Let me guess, the brains?"
I guess you can say that..." I could almost sense him smile, So I did too.
We were enjoying the moment. then I remembered what I was going to ask Slender Man. My smile disappeared, I looked away.
"What is wrong, child?"
"Why me?"  

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