OK, so I haven't updated in a long, long while and I personally think its time I do.
So, the idea for this story just popped into my brain bubble. I thought 'uh I am to lazy for this' and then, I thought 'wait this can actually be a good idea'.
So, I started writing. Now, I think this could actually be a pretty good story. If given the chance.
Well, this was a waste of time , considering no one reads authors notes. Well I don't anyway.
There are songs for every chapter and it would be awesome if you listened to each of them while reading the chapters.This is a novella by the way, that means its not a story-story, bit its not as short as a short story. Its a bit of both, which I like to write.
So uh enjoy the story, I guess.
(Insert smiley face here)-TravelingStoryTeller
Please don't kill me for updating late.
HororRead and you will find out what it's about. But, the cover should at least give you a hint.