Chapter 11

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Hi :)

sorry for the long wait haha writer's block just hit my poor brain and i was busy with my family matter. complicated i tell ya.

so here's the next chapter. this chapter was not fully edited and i took five hours to finish this chapter (er minus two hours spent time with my mom) so total it took three hours for me to finish chapter 11.

and next i have a note to tell you, my dear readers. it's about my new work.

please don't be mad if you don't like this chapter. i write this because i enjoyed making this and just have fun write whatever i want to write. just following my fingers.


Chapter 11

The news spread like wildfire around the palace and gossips can be heard everywhere. Some were showing their worries since the news about the rouges had breached through the Jin Liao's border near the Xian Mountain.

At the first light after the dawn as Wanyan Xu had ordered his ministers and generals they prepared to take off from the palace taking five thousands of soldiers with him, one thousand five hundreds of horses, one thousand five hundreds of archers and two thousands foot soldiers.

Wanyan Xu was wearing his proud army suit protecting his strong body from any fatal arrows flying towards him and can be seen the same Su Yi was wearing the same army suit like Wanyan Xu. Behind them the king's four personal attendants were following them.

Wanyan Shou had to stay inside the palace with the company of his own guards. The night when the king told him they had to persuade Wanyan Shou from following them. Su Yi was the one that used all the talks to persuade Wanyan Shou since it was obvious Wanyan Xu will only make the matter worst.

The journey was taking three whole days and they reached the destination after the sunset. The soldiers that already based on their camp for the past few months felt incredibly spirited by the presence of their king in the camp. The soldiers were elated in happy and relief swept away the worries that had dwelled around every soldier's heart.

Wanyan Xu was greeted in huge applause and feast was held immediately. The camp was filled with laughter and the soldiers were talking jokes or telling story with each other. Some can be seen gambling and drinking wine to subside the bore that had become their main priority every time they woke from sleep.

However Su Yi's presence caused whispers among the soldiers that hadn't know the true identity of Su Yi. Some were familiar with Su Yi since they had followed the king and Su Yi in the previous wars although it caused a small rumor among new soldiers that joined the army not for few months ago.

Su Yi kept his porker face and sipping the tea from the cup that Zi Yan had poured the tea. Tonight he doesn't feel like to drink wine and drunk himself a little. If anything he wants to stay sober and alert if the situation suddenly went bad.

Su Yi told Wanyan Xu that he wanted to take some cool air outside, Wanyan Xu nodded his head and told Su Yi to be careful and take some warm cloth with him since the night is colder compared when it's daylight. Su Yi returned with a smile and told Zi Liu to take warm cloth for him. Zi Liu easily complied with Su Yi's demand and walk fast to his camp.

The moment Su Yi step outside he was welcomed with the cold air crept through his cheeks and hugging himself to warm his body from the coldness. He was walking slowly and stopped after a few walks staring at dark sky only showing the full moon emitting its beam light slashed with cloudy sky covered most part of the moon. To travelers full moon was the best time to search paths during night journey though it was said that during the full moon many mysterious creatures lurked behind the shadow of the darkness.

Su Yi can feel many eyes were staring at his physical scanning his feature from head to toe since it was obvious the new soldiers yet become familiar to Su Yi's position in the army. Su Yi closed both his eyes and breathe out the cold steam from his lungs forming small smokes of cloud.

He shut the human voices from interrupting his mind and let the nature calm his heart and soul. What Su Yi didn't know was the soldiers were staring Su Yi in awe. They were confused and some were making conclusions if the person they were staring now was a man or the opposite gender. The feature was delicate and fragile covered with the white snow skin and long gleam hair. Though the feature was incredibly stunning however some said the person's height was too tall for even the tallest woman and the person seems to emit power in his standing despite the soft look.

They were surprised when another friend of them showed and sat among the group and explaining the whole thing. They were shocked by the truth and each of them keep turning their glances from Su Yi to Guo, the man that had told them pretty much everything he knew about Su Yi. Guo returned their confused acts and he seemed enjoying the confusion they were having with a huge smile before stand on his feet and turned his feet towards the camp.

Su Yi was immersed in his own little world that he was startled when two soft hands touched both his shoulders in gentle manner. He open his eyes again and smile was forming on his lips. He knew so much the person behind him. He remained his direction and decide not to turn his head to meet the person face.

Wanyan Xu hugged Su Yi from behind placing his nose on the crook of Su Yi's long delectable neck sniffing the sweet smell emit from Su Yi's body. He always wondered why Su Yi still smells good and sweet for his nose. He placed both his hands on Su Yi's cold hands lapsing the hands tried to subside the cold hands to warm to his touch. Su Yi giggled and just feel the warm touch from his lover.

"Su Su, why don't you go inside? Its cold out here let's stay inside and warm your body. I'll get worry if you sick instead" Wanyan Xu's deep voice whispered on the side of Su Yi's that felt comfortable and warm.

Su Yi shook his head and continued to feel the coldness touch his already white skin. Wanyan Xu bite Su Yi's earlobe resulted to Su Yi's soft moan escaped from his lips. Wanyan Xu purred the moment he heard the moan. The moan that enough to awake the beast inside him and awake his second mind to let him follow the desire and ravish Su Yi.

Su Yi felt something behind him and he knew exactly what he was feeling. A huge blushed was forming on his cheeks that he quickly shove Wanyan Xu from hugging him.

"You horny man..." Su Yi felt his cheeks flushed even more. Wanyan Xu kept laugh to his enjoy. Oh how he loved so much to tease the love of his life. Wanyan Xu tried to calm his inner beast and kept remind himself this was not the time to think something so private at time like this. He soon felt the calm came to his sense. He sighed in happy.

"Right, I'm sorry Su Su. We'll get enough time of that later when we go back and I'll have you for as much as I like. Now, let's go inside and warm ourselves from this coldness" he winked at Su Yi.

Su Yi felt embarrassed enough and Wanyan Xu just had to add the shame on him again. Su Yi looked at Wanyan Xu again and decide to stay outside for a minute more then he'll join with Wanyan Xu. He felt comfortable although the cold weather fight the warmth in his body. He remembered when he used to be a general fight for the Qi's. Waiting in his camp nothing but loneliness and the flute that kept at his side as a longtime friend. Wanyan Xu nodded his head and for a moment he was hesitated to leave Su Yi outside but he needs to be inside and talk about the plan with the generals. Wanyan Xu reminded Su Yi to make sure come inside after a minute.

Su Yi was confused by Wanyan Xu's worry face so he decided to nod his head and told Wanyan Xu to go inside.

After a minute as he promised to Wanyan Xu he stopped feeling the cold weather and decided to walk inside. To his surprised someone was standing behind him and knocked his neck causing him to fall on the ground. He felt the dark soon crept through his eyes only blurred image was formed before he fainted completely.

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