Chapter 20

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I am so sorry for taking so long just to update the next chapter. Last week, on 30th December 2017 I lost the only grandmother that I had and I still feel the lost. For the past few months, so many things happened and I went in depress mood but I recovered quick. Supports from love ones really helped me to get on my feet again.

I know this is kind of too late to wish but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

I wish all the best year of 2018 to all of you and I hope that all of you will take care of your health and always have a cheerful day everyday.

This chapter is not much but I really hope you will like it :)

This chapter is unedited.


Chapter 20

Everyone hastened their moves because if not the king might release his dragon fire breath and afraid no one can get out of there alive. Although all the soldiers hurried their movements they can never forget of what had happened earlier. Now all of them were in bright red faces. 'Why do we turn to red' all the soldiers mentally thought. Usually, they never see something like this. The king always made a powerful remark to those who dare to stare at the king will cause them to disembowel apart from head off the body. Since no one wants that to happen everyone was doing their job diligently. It'll be all well if they get out of there sooner.

Zi Liu and Zi Yan were helping Su Yi changing his clothes to the ones that more proper to wear. Unnoticing how the looks that wore on both Zhong Sheng and Feng faces. They were the looks of someone that had just lost something that so dear, the grieve look was so clear on both of their faces. Both Zi Liu and Zi Yan could only sighed their breaths out looking at those two. It must be the heaven fate that Su Yi had to meet with these two and collided path with them. Although it seems that they were poorly sympathized them but it also the heaven fate that Su Yi was born to be Wanyan Xu's in this lifetime and if the heaven destined to change it to the other, one of them may have the luck in the life after. However, the Jin Liao King already hold the supreme power of this land. He was bestowed by the blessings from heaven and earth to see this thus there was no way that the king will let someone that belong to him will be in the hand of the other although it was life after per say. The love that their king held for the Empress was too strong that if the king wants he would fight heaven and hell if they dare to steal his beloved. Love is something that scary. They can bring blessing and happiness but one turn it also can turn someone into a monster.

"Su Yi..." a voice called from behind. It was the Qing's King, Zhong Sheng. A rather painful smile can be seen wore on his face. His two perfect eyebrows almost attached to one another caused by the worries that played through his emotion. He was looking at the person in front of him with so much mix feeling. Between love and hurt. He tried to decide one but in the end the two always come in between. He knew fully well how Su Yi already confessed his true feeling the last time they had conversed at the Garden of Merriment but somehow he couldn't bear to let go the feeling that he hold. It was so pure to him. His first true feeling and somehow it was shattered in matter of pieces once he saw Su Yi's act in kissing the Jin Liao's King.

Through and through. He gave a moment of deep breath. Closing his eyes momentarily. Although it was hard to let go but he just had to. He laughed small to himself. It was heavy. The feeling. But he was glad that he finally decided to give it free. He could let him go. It was better to see the smile always play on his beloved face. He took another deep breath.

"I am really glad you are safe and sound" a small smile etched on his face. Nevertheless, Su Yi able to tell what was accumulating inside Zhong Sheng's heart. He would never done anything to break the friendship that they already mended but he knew well how deep Zhong Sheng feeling was. Su Yi couldn't help to have worry emotion running on his face.

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