Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 2: Leave Out All of the Rest

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When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I've done

Help me leave behind some

Reasons to be missed

And don't resent me

And when you're feeling empty

Keep me in your memory

Linkin Park Leave Out All the Rest

Bella's POV.

"Beep, beep, beep."

The sharp, screaming sound of my alarm clock echoed around my room and woke me up from my stressful sleep.

I groaned and moved my arm over the right so I could turn off my alarm but when I moved, pain spread throughout my body. I felt as though a truck had run over me last night. I pulled the blankets off of my body and realized why my body was aching. There were dark, purple bruises all over my body including my thighs and arms. Although there were only a few bruises my skin was delicate and wasn't used to being felt in that way. But I didn't mind. They were only bruises. The experience I had was so much better, I would take having these bruises on my body if it meant Edward and I could finally experience sex. But after what Edward said yesterday, I didn't think we would ever go beyond just a French kiss. I sighed. I wish Edward would lighten up. Our relationship was perfect other than his little issue of becoming close and intimate. I loved him so much but I wanted more, and there had to be a way to get what I wanted.

I slowly got out of bed and got ready for school. I took a shower and put on jeans, a blue t-shirt and a black sweater. I grabbed my brown knapsack and went downstairs. Charlie had left a note on the fridge stating he wouldn't be home for dinner because there was a lot of work to catch up on at the Police station. I poured myself some Cheerios and drank a glass of Orange Juice. Then I walked outside, to be greeted by a quirky, but sad Alice. Her hair was spiky and was styled in a pixie cut. She wore skinny blue jeans with knee high leather boots. To match her jeans she wore a scarlet blue long sweater vest with a white shirt underneath. A tiny black belt tied the whole outfit together. Alice always looked nice and there were many times I was jealous of how she looked. I was also jealous because she always seemed to flow like an angel, unlike me who fell every time I walked.

"Alice what are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged her, but as soon as I did I noticed she seemed a little tense.

"What's wrong Alice?" I asked with a concerned look on my face as my heart beat started to rise.

"Edward left last night, although he left us a note telling us he just needed some time alone and that he would be back soon, I wanted to be the first to tell you." Alice explained.

"What? He didn't come back? Why not?" I asked Alice not comprehending that Edward did not come home last night.

"I think you know Bella." Alice answered.

I looked at her puzzled.

"I had a vision the other week and in my vision I saw Edward losing control. I didn't want to say anything to him because I knew how much you wanted to be intimate with you and him hitting the wall didn't seem to be a big deal. I knew if I told him he would probably not even go near you." Alice explained.

I sighed out of frustration. Why did Edward always make a big deal about everything? Although I was sore, I was fine. I was fine!

"As soon as he punched a hole in my wall, he demanded us to stop what we were doing and then he said he had to leave. But Alice it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I am great! I am more than okay! Why can't your brother just lighten up?" I said.

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