Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 13: Epilogue

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Bella's POV:

"So do you like your ring Bella? It belonged to my family and now it is yours." Edward asked as we got dressed and started to walk towards Edward's car.

Although it wasn't sunny out, the ring still sparkled. It was beautiful, one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

"Of course I do Edward, I love it so much! But I hate to say there is something's I like better." I said smiling as I got into Edward's silver Volvo.

"And what is that Isabella Swan?" Edward asked curiously as he started the vehicle.

"Vampires." I said as I smiled. Then I leaned in and kissed Edward on his sweet lips.

"I love you so much Edward, I don't deserve this ring. I am the luckiest girl in the world and I am so glad I get to marry you!" I said as tears began to form.

For once everything was working out and I was so happy. I didn't want to think of any negative things, I wanted to forget all the issues Edward and I used to have because right now I just wanted to love and be with Edward. He was my world and I knew now my life would be complete. Soon I would be Isabella Cullen and I couldn't wait to be with Edward.

"No love, I don't deserve you and your love. I can't believe I would find someone who loves me for being a vampire. I am really glad you have a thing for vampires." Edward said as he laughed as he drove.

I chuckled.

"You do realize Bella that Alice is going to want to plan the wedding right?" He said smiling at me because he knew what my reaction would be.

"Oh no, this is going to be a huge wedding isn't it?" I asked even though I knew what the answer would be. I knew Alice was going to have a field day with this.

"So when are we going to tell Charlie?" Edward asked.

Oh no, I forgot about the real world. I forgot I would actually have to tell Charlie and Renee about the news. However I figured I could tell them when I was ready because right now I just want to live in my happy, dream world.

"Maybe tomorrow? Today I just want to be with you and not have to worry about anything!" I said smiling at Edward who smiled back. I knew he understood, however when I looked back at his face I was welcomed with a furrowed brow and a wide grimace.

"Can't that wolf leave you alone?" He growled angrily.

I looked and I could see Jacob standing there, in front of my house.

I quickly exited the car and walked up to Jacob.

"What are you doing here Jake?" I asked.

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I'm sorry for what I said, I just wanted you to know how I felt." He said.

"It's okay Jake." I said smiling softly at him. All of a sudden I saw him look down at my hand.

"Well I insist you don't bother her again mutt, because she will always be mine." Edward growled in rage.

It didn't take long for Jacob to put two and two together because he stared at me with a hurt expression; I thought I could see his heart break.

"Are you marrying that leech Bella?" Jake asked angrily.


Hope you liked this story!

I will have the sequel called Quit Playing Games With My Heart up soon!

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